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Currently CAN is thoroughly abused by the 3D printer community. It is a horrible hack that works.
Please when using USB do not repeat this.
One suggestion is to PLEASE use USB-C and follow the specs with regards to power. USB-C charger cables can send up to about 200 Watts, this is way...
The CNC bed support is a drop-in replacement for the Official Voron V0.2 design. However your kit packager might have included only the printed parted needed for the Kiragami build. So the answer to your question is "it depends but likely you will be fine. "
I assume you have some kind of...
Do you have anything powered by 5 volts? Maybe Neopixel LEDs? If so you could be pulling down the 5 volt rail, even if the Meawell power supply is still at 24 volts. As said already you really need to attach a voltmeter to the power and watch it.
The big loads on a printer are the bed and...
The rails are binding. Try this, remove the threaded nut and verify you can move the platform up and down with nearly zero resistance. Also check that the lead screw stays EXACLY centered when the platform moves up and down.
If the rails are not parallel, loosen all the screws that hold the...
Try an experiment, get a metal cup and put a small amount of water in it. Set the build plate to 105C or 110C and then place the cup in the center then on the corner corner and one edge. Look at the water and if it acts the same in all locations. If it boils in the center and cools off when...
Is this still true? I've been buying parts in Aliexpress and so many of the sellers offer "free" shipping if you spend over $10.
But of late there is something very different. Some Chinese companies are selling fully assembled Voron near-clones for less than the price of the kits.
Any Voron printer is about as good as it gets if you just want to tinker with printers. Every single part can be replaced with a hex screwdriver and the 3D CAD files are available so you can edit the parts in CAD and re-print them with any modifications you can think of. Or you can find mods...
It is easy to set up your Pi fan so it keeps the Pi at a set temperature. I have mine set the 38C. The fan (a 3010) runs at between 10% and 20% depending on what software is running on the Pi. Just look in the Kipper docs under "fans". There are several types.
As for fan control by...
This variation is a good thing. When you publish the data for say "Young's modulus" for glass-filled PC you will also publish the standard deviation. Then people can read your table and see that the answer is "about 3,000, plus or minus 2,900"
Seriously, this is the result I'd expect from a...
You will have to add up the masses of the parts, but I'm guessing the moving mass is 4X more than a normal V2.4. I think you will need motoers with 4X the torque. With steppers, torque is about the same as amps. Look for motors (and controler electronics) that run on 5 or 6 or more amps...
Which reseller you buy the kit from hardly matters any more. They are all just shipping and warehousing companies and collect parts from a few suppliers, repackage and reship therm. It is YU who builds the printer and you who does the quality control and you who decides what parts to swap out...
Kirigami was an attempt to fix a problem in the V0 design where the bed was not rigidly mounted. I think V0.3 should address the problem by redesigning the bed mount. 1515 extrusions could work. One idea is to use two carriages on each z-rail. You need a longer z-rail but four car systems...
You don't have to print them, The plastic is already the right shape straight off the reel. Cut it at an angle.
I used just plain old M3 hex nuts and they stay in place well enough if you hold the extrusion flat. The V0 is small enough you can always turn it so the screw you are...
Almost ANYTHING willwork. Toss a bllanket over the printer and tie it one with rope. Of course that isugly and not pratical but people have used carboard boxes and packing tape.
I think the best looking solution is to double glase the pannels. The stock printer uses 3mm PC sheets but you can...
I bet the issue is the timing. The library you use has to "bit bang" the GPIO pin. this works on a microcontroller that is not running a multitasking OS. But software delay loops and such don't work well on Linux because at any unpredictable time, the CPU might stop running your Python...
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