VORON Design

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Recent content by DrEaD

  1. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    Hi! I'm finally finalizing... Klipper config and install panels in coming days.
  2. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    I'm going to use this Tophat too! hahaha All that's left is front doors in CAD, start the conversion this week, the big pieces (skirt, tophat, 7" screen case) I'll only be able to print after enclosure with panels, last steps...
  3. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    I think I've finished my CAD modifications, has much time to adjusts aesthetics, about a month because logistics here are awfull(China to Brazil 5 days, Post Office to my home 20~25 days)... I've uploaded project to get feedbacks, don't know if was support is necessary in bed rear, but stock...
  4. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    I've acquired some skills in meanwhile... Need finishing bottom but ideia is realized
  5. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    Right! Your ideia to hold bed in front are better than mine... I don't have skills to mod complex pieces in Fusion, so sad... :cry:
  6. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    I'm using a cardboard(tronxy box) and draft shield in prints... All 4 foots skirts are like photo, little warp in corners, with 10 or 20mm brim, warp piece in corners but not in brim(probably because density), now waiting more ABS arrive to continue prints. Will stay with 4020 in stock...
  7. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    Yeah, I'm using PEI Sheet(mentioned above haha)... That TR Sensor was first to see trash, just before Chitu Board... This is my first printer, started with a pile of shit, now expend all money again to get a decent one. Lessons and experiences... Bought all BOM to convert directly to Trident...
  8. DrEaD

    Tronxy x5sa -> Franken Voron Build

    Happy new year!! 🎆 Love this project, finally I've found a project that uses stock parts... Thanks very much! For now I'm going printing all parts, buy extrusions and others parts needed, and waiting from China(live in Brazil, 6x more expensive, and a month to delivery) can give me time to...