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Recent content by frank.af

  1. frank.af

    350mm Trident mods/redesign advice

    It might be easier to use 204040 instead of 3030. It's generally stronger and you keep 2020 compatibility. You can mostly just swap the main frame for 204040 and go. 2040 is a easy upgrade for Y, and I'd stick with 2020 or even 1515 (Trailhead) for X.
  2. frank.af

    Wifi toolhead connection

    It's been discussed, but there's a lot of potential issues. Klipper really depends on a low latency connection and adding a huge source of external noise isn't gonna be easy to work around. On top of that, licensing is a problem. Both the ESP and NRF SDKs are not license compatible with...
  3. frank.af

    Trident and 2.4 AB Stepper Shaft Bearing Support Mod

    https://github.com/kageurufu/printer-mods/tree/main/bearing_ab_drives I put this together after noticing some minor skew on the shafts on my 2.4. A top-mounted F695 bearing adds extra support to the shaft of some LDO 2504(S55) long shaft stepper motors, which could minorly reduce VFAs while...
  4. frank.af

    Whats the best software for building wiring diagrams?

    Personally, I was using inkscape to make diagrams for hartk's afterburner toolhead PCBs. I'd experimenting with highlighting networks on mouse over too, to make finding connections easier.