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Yesterday I've updated my Voron 2.4 R2 Pro with Bigtreetech Manta M8P V2. Iḿ still using EBB SB2240_2209 CAN V1.0 but I also want to upgrade to Bigtreetech Btt Cb2 .
At start building the kit it was pretty hard with no Voron experience but a long the way it was getting more and more fun. The...
I'm kind of a newbie here on the forum and Voron but Voron 2.4 R2 Pro kit with the Manta M8P V1.1 and EBB SB2209 CAN (RP2040) I've managed to build and I'm very happy with the machine.
Voron is open source with plenty of sources on internet. It's a project indeed which you can improve yourself and if you are good, your machine will rock.
Well I'm thinking a bit different about Canbus. I recently builded a Voron 2.4 R2 Pro and it wasn´t easy finding out all the stuff. Flashing Canbus and making it communicate isn´t that easy but now that it works I would say go for it. if you have some experience and patience. You are going to...
Hi, I see you already resolved the problem but I'm having the same setup.
For me setting up the Canbus this Youtube guide Dr. Klipper :-) helped me a lot.
Just for reference maybe.
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