VORON Design

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Recent content by seniorlemuren

  1. S

    Belt tensioners Cura parameters

    I bought a homebuilt voron V0.1 and it was poorly built. The first thing that happened was that the belt tensioner bolt came off completely. It was poorly printed in PETG. I need to print a new one in ABS. How do I set the print parameters in Cura. (wall thickness infill, etc.) Should it be...
  2. S

    Need help with Extruder carriage

    Hello. I am new to this forum. I just bought a used Voron V0.1 that had issues with the hotend. I had to remove it and clean it. The cover over the hotend was stuck, the screws had been glued into the nuts with superglue so I had to break both the cover and the holder for the cover. I have...