VORON Design

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Recent content by thunderkeys

  1. thunderkeys


    have you seen BoxTurtle? https://github.com/ArmoredTurtle/BoxTurtle/
  2. thunderkeys

    Skirt parts are all wrong on the listings

    the printed parts guide for Rev D, linked above. it's further below in the mods section (it could be more obvious than it is, along with the other parts).
  3. thunderkeys

    Skirt parts are all wrong on the listings

    these are the parts LDO recommends for the replacement for the rear filter. https://github.com/MotorDynamicsLab/LDOVoron2/blob/main/STLs/exhaust_cover.stl https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-2/blob/Voron2.4/STLs/Exhaust_Filter/exhaust_filter_grill.stl
  4. thunderkeys

    Skirt parts are all wrong on the listings

    There is no VORON guide for 'Rev A/B, Rev C, Rev D'. These are LDO kit revisions and LDO has their own addendums and modifications to the stock manual to account for that. https://docs.ldomotors.com/en/voron/voron2/faq https://docs.ldomotors.com/en/voron/voron2/build-faq...
  5. thunderkeys

    Skirt parts are all wrong on the listings

    who did you buy the parts from? Also, if this in LDO v2.4r2 Rev D kit, ensure you are following their wiring guide, which may differ from the VORON manual. VORON doesn't control what the kit manufacturers send. https://docs.ldomotors.com/en/voron/voron2/wiring_guide_rev_d
  6. thunderkeys

    Help with tap

    the new part you have shown is from Tap RC8, which is a complete reprint (not just the part you have shown). The PDF manual has not been updated yet for Tap RC8. https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-Tap/blob/main/Manual/R8_errata.md The holes are hex shaped to better hold in a magnet, if you...
  7. thunderkeys

    LDO Trident POM nut ground down

    Contact your reseller that you purchased the kit from and they should be able to coordinate a warranty swap. Or reach out to @rebecayang_1 (RebecaYangFromLDO) on the Voron Discord in the #ldo-motors channel. LDO has been replacing defective teflon coated steppers w/ POM nuts with new stainless...
  8. thunderkeys

    Why Titanium for Thermal Expansion Cancelling?

    the answer is probably more "because it's gucci and looks nice" - my understanding is there's no functional reason for using a fancy titanium backer over a spare steel mgn9 rail.
  9. thunderkeys

    Question New meanwell PS, started with switch on 230v, did I blow it?

    what voltage do you get on the DC terminals when live? Supplying 110-120V when it's selected to be 230V should be fine - it just won't provide sufficient power. it's the other way you really have to be careful of (having it set to 115 and supplying 230...)
  10. thunderkeys

    8 pin 0.5mm pitch FFC cable but 1000mm long!

    probably cheaper to just get another ldo input shaper kit for $10 from west3d, kb-3d, fabreeko, etc if you're in the US. Or reach out to your reseller and see if they or LDO can send a replacement. I'd send you one but I think I damaged mine too :D I've since switched to toolhead board ADXLs...
  11. thunderkeys

    Has Trident been renewed in the last year

    There is no imminent version of Trident from VORON Design in the works that has been hinted at. LDO is in the process of revamping their Trident kits (probably to include their Leviathan and Nitehawk boards) and is maybe 2 months out on those being available. Formbot just updated their Trident...
  12. thunderkeys

    Neopixel connector broken

    in the image above - Microfit 3.0 2 pin https://www.molex.com/en-us/products/part-detail/436450200
  13. thunderkeys

    Looking for pin aliases (source)

    You can define them as board aliases, e.g. [board_pins EBB36_G0B1_v1.2] mcu: can0 aliases: aliases_step: EXT_EN=PD2,EXT_STEP=PD0,EXT_DIR=PD1,EXT_UART=PA15 aliases_limitsw: # these are preferred for endstops (including klicky) LIMIT_1=PB7,LIMIT_2=PB5,LIMIT_3=PB6 aliases_bltouch: # these...
  14. thunderkeys

    Solved Need v2.4 R1 12864 Panel Enclosure Hinge STL

    If future adventurers find this, I think this is the part in question. https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-2/blob/4b94fdf92c26e9bc856ea40ec8e3ed5fb7321dec/STLs/VORON2.4/Electronics_Compartment/LCD_Module/%5Ba%5D_mini12864_case_hinge.stl
  15. thunderkeys

    Solved v2.4 finishing skirts, fans. Where is the fan support for the 300x300?

    yes, the fan support pieces are the same across all sizes. This is the part for v2.4r2: https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-2/blob/Voron2.4/STLs/Skirts/side_fan_support_x2.STL