Hello everyone!
I'm based in the UK and have been 3D printing for several years now. Here is my current printer:

I call it Thesus because very little of its original self remains. It started life as a Ender 5 and really only the core extrusions and the PSU remain of the stock parts, everything else has been replaced by me over time. All the plastic parts on the printer were printed by the printer, even the cable chains. The bits you can't see is a mainboard upgrade and a conversion to Klipper 0.12 as the brains of it all. It's not pretty but it works pretty well and consistently these days, but I've just about reached the limits of what I can do with it. The upgrades have compromised the useable bed space and the lack of enclosure limits my options filament wise. I feel it is time to move on and have always looked in slight awe at the Voron's. I am really looking for:
I'm currently stuck in analysis paralysis between a Voron 2.4 (that flying gantry just calls to me) or a Qidi X-Plus 3. The Qidi is significantly cheaper, but that gap is likely to lessen as I expect I'll end up replacing all of the fans and other tweaks. Also while it is a Klipper printer it is soft-locked to Klipper 0.10 and I really want to keep 0.12 for Spoolman integration. So there are just enough questions about the Qidi to keep drawing me back to the Voron.
But while I've comprehensively rebuilt my Ender I've never built a printer completely from scratch before, so it is a little daunting. I'm eyeing up the Siboor v2.4 kit as with the possible exception of the hotend (I'd prefer Revo to the Dragon as I already have nozzles in that ecosystem), it has pretty much every wishlist item on it. I guess I'm just looking for some re-assurance (or warning!) from those who have already gone down this path that it'll all be okay!
I'm based in the UK and have been 3D printing for several years now. Here is my current printer:

I call it Thesus because very little of its original self remains. It started life as a Ender 5 and really only the core extrusions and the PSU remain of the stock parts, everything else has been replaced by me over time. All the plastic parts on the printer were printed by the printer, even the cable chains. The bits you can't see is a mainboard upgrade and a conversion to Klipper 0.12 as the brains of it all. It's not pretty but it works pretty well and consistently these days, but I've just about reached the limits of what I can do with it. The upgrades have compromised the useable bed space and the lack of enclosure limits my options filament wise. I feel it is time to move on and have always looked in slight awe at the Voron's. I am really looking for:
- Larger print bed (at least 250x250)
- Fully enclosed so I can start working with ABS/ASA and other higher temperature filaments
- Carbon filtration to deal with the VOCs from the above as the printer lives in the office where I work during the day
- Higher speed
- Reliability
I'm currently stuck in analysis paralysis between a Voron 2.4 (that flying gantry just calls to me) or a Qidi X-Plus 3. The Qidi is significantly cheaper, but that gap is likely to lessen as I expect I'll end up replacing all of the fans and other tweaks. Also while it is a Klipper printer it is soft-locked to Klipper 0.10 and I really want to keep 0.12 for Spoolman integration. So there are just enough questions about the Qidi to keep drawing me back to the Voron.
But while I've comprehensively rebuilt my Ender I've never built a printer completely from scratch before, so it is a little daunting. I'm eyeing up the Siboor v2.4 kit as with the possible exception of the hotend (I'd prefer Revo to the Dragon as I already have nozzles in that ecosystem), it has pretty much every wishlist item on it. I guess I'm just looking for some re-assurance (or warning!) from those who have already gone down this path that it'll all be okay!