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Bed mesh issues


Printer Model
Voron 2.4 300mm
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
I am having problems with my freshly built Voron 2.4(LDO 300 mm kit). I always end up with too much squish at the front of the bed and not enough squish at the rear of the bed. Feels like I have tried every different bed_mesh setting. I am using a klicky probe and I don't think it has anything to do with accuracy as I have tested the accuracy and the mesh is constantly wrong. My average bed variance while printing ABS at 100 c is 0.12.

This is my current config:

speed: 400
horizontal_move_z: 7.5
mesh_min: 40, 40
mesh_max: 260,260
fade_start: 1
fade_end: 10.0
probe_count: 9,9
bicubic_tension: 0.2
algorithm: bicubic
relative_reference_index: 40
move_check_distance: 3
split_delta_z: 0.01
mesh_pps: 3,3

picture of prints:

The config above has given me the best results I have achieved yet(picture above) I am currently using this along with the standard klicky bed mesh macro(https://github.com/jlas1/Klicky-Probe/blob/main/Klipper_macros/klicky-bed-mesh-calibrate.cfg)

As you can see from the pictures, I have too much squish at the front of the bed and not enough squish at the rear of the bed. I have considered the Y distance of 25-30mm between the nozzle tip and Klicky switch, and believe it to be the underlying cause of my problems. Nevertheless, I am unsure of how to rectify the situation, and I am optimistic that a software solution may exist. Surely, I cannot be the sole individual grappling with this issue.
So you do a bed mesh and save_config but it does not seem to apply, correct? It really seems like it is not saving.

Have you considered doing an adaptive bed mesh? It will mesh only the area where your part will be printed, then it applies the mesh before the start of the print. After the print ends it clears the mesh until you start another print, then it mesh's the area where the new part will be a applies it again.
As dare as I understand in the newest klipper version default bed mesh is no more loaded automatic.
You have to invoice in start_printing
As dare as I understand in the newest klipper version default bed mesh is no more loaded automatic.
You have to invoice in start_printing
I do a bed mesh every time I start a new print. From what I can see it looks like it is loaded in mainsail


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As dare as I understand in the newest klipper version default bed mesh is no more loaded automatic.
You have to invoice in start_printing
Hi. I have the exact same problem. I also explicit loaded the mesh after qgl and g28.
It seams it has no impact.
On a side note if i change z offset on bootom of print.cfg by 0.05mm it also does not change anything. if i change it by 0.1mm it does...
Any idea. This Problem exists for too long.
Im up do date in Klipper and moonraker using Fluidd.
Hi. I also have the same problem. And yes i have BED_MESH_CALIBRATE just before print, after Z _Tilt and HomeZ in my Print_Start macro. I have also checked the TAP and toolhead for faults and loose screws. I have Voron Trident, and TAP and uses adaptiv bed-mesh.
Have any of you found a solution? Any suggestions.