Hello Voron community! I have watched the project for years and been tempted to build a Voron for a very long time. Now I may have hit the point where the decision is being made for me. I am in need of a printer that is capable of printing PPS-CF and PPA-CF. Those will likely be the only filaments used with the machine. PPA can be printed on some off-the-shelf printers but PPS needs 320-340c and there’s just a couple printers in the consumer space that can reach those temps. The Qidi plus 4 can handle the task but the proprietary nozzles are expensive and the rollout was unimpressive with the 110v SSR issue. The Creality k2 is also up to the task but initial reviews don’t justify the price and for what that machine costs I’m in the ballpark for a Voron.
So all this said I humbly ask the Voron experts what Voron is best suited to my needs? Like I stated I’m only going to print hi temp nylon abrasives. The machine is going to be dedicated to production printing of a high end fpv drone frame. As such the total z height of the part it will print is no more than 20mm off the build plate, but it is large in the X and Y. I’ll need the 350 size for sure.
Right now I’m leaning toward the trident because it’s been said to be a little easier than the 2.4 and I really like the access to the electronics. I’m easily capable to build the machine. I’ve been printing and designing for well over a decade. So skill is not a concern. I’d like to hear from those in the know what the pros and cons are for each model and what recommendations are for hot ends that can reach 350c+ . Thanks for the feedback.
So all this said I humbly ask the Voron experts what Voron is best suited to my needs? Like I stated I’m only going to print hi temp nylon abrasives. The machine is going to be dedicated to production printing of a high end fpv drone frame. As such the total z height of the part it will print is no more than 20mm off the build plate, but it is large in the X and Y. I’ll need the 350 size for sure.
Right now I’m leaning toward the trident because it’s been said to be a little easier than the 2.4 and I really like the access to the electronics. I’m easily capable to build the machine. I’ve been printing and designing for well over a decade. So skill is not a concern. I’d like to hear from those in the know what the pros and cons are for each model and what recommendations are for hot ends that can reach 350c+ . Thanks for the feedback.