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Missing brass insert???


Well-known member
On my Voron V2.4 350, which I did not build myself, I always had a skew from extruder to hotend. It was stuck on with one bolt only, and so tight that I thought the original builder had used glue or something, so I left it out of fear of breaking something I could not replace.
Now my extruder started skipping like mad and I had to dismantle it completely. What I found is in this photo, question is should there not be a brass insert in that hole where my Allen key points at? This is the missing bolt that fits the extruder to the gantry. I feel it should have, please confirm?

If I am right, how did the original builder obtain those parts? Should the files not be standard across the board and error free? This is really strange to me.missing insert.jpg
I'm confused by the idea that user assembled parts must be error free. Failure to install a heat set isn't an issue with any of the files, just an error on the part of whoever built the thing.

But such bickering aside, let's look to an old assembly manual: ( https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-2/blob/V2.4r2_afterburner/Manual/Assembly_Manual_2.4r2.pdf )
Nope, no heat set there. The reason for this, is that the mounting screw actually passes all the way through this piece, and hits a heat set in the next piece forward: this one.
I'd suggest making sure your extruder is correctly mounted, with one 30mm screw, and one 20mm.
I'm confused by the idea that user assembled parts must be error free. Failure to install a heat set isn't an issue with any of the files, just an error on the part of whoever built the thing.

But such bickering aside, let's look to an old assembly manual: ( https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-2/blob/V2.4r2_afterburner/Manual/Assembly_Manual_2.4r2.pdf )
View attachment 5043
Nope, no heat set there. The reason for this, is that the mounting screw actually passes all the way through this piece, and hits a heat set in the next piece forward: this one.
View attachment 5044
I'd suggest making sure your extruder is correctly mounted, with one 30mm screw, and one 20mm.
View attachment 5045
Your comment explains that the part I am looking at is in fact not wrong, thank you. For some reason the bolt that goes through all of these parts was missing. As I did see that a screw had been in there at some point, leaving thread marks along the inside, I figured mistakingly that the previous builder had threaded the plastic part with the screw instead of inserting the insert. But this hole is too small for an isert, why I thought the part was wrong. But it makes more sense now and I will need to look at why this part did not fit on straight and why the bolt was missing, thanks.
The extruder is back together and for the first time during my ownership I have managed to simply push the filament in without any obvious obstruction. Also it is printing again like a champ and all my previous troubles have disappeared. I might start liking this extruder now ;)
Also I now see that my extruder and hotend are actually straight in line with each other, that was always crooked.
Well pleased with the improvements this hick up have lead to.
I am starting to think I would be far better off if I had built this thing myself. I don't want to take this one apart, as it is my only working printer for the moment, so I might just see what I have laying about and simply buy what I am missing and build my own.
Anyway, thumbs up for the help, again.