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RPi problem


Apologies as this isn't directly Voron related, only I don't know where else to ask; whilst waiting for my 2.4 kit to arrive, I've bought a RPi 4B 2GB and am trying to install KIAHU on it. I've got to the stage of running the command cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/dw-0/kiauh.git but the tilde (~) character won't display correctly on the Pi screen, it comes up as an accent only. I'm using a Logitech wireless keyboard (UK) layout and have tried numerous combinations of alt, shift etc but no joy, however using the same keyboard on my desktop (Linux Mint) and the ~ character displays normally, so it doesn't seem to be a keyboard issue, I'm stumped & stuck.
I couldn't tell you, I've simple followed the instructions on the above link using Raspberry OS lite 64-bit image, installation appeared to go ok but I don't have a GUI only the command line so wouldn't know how to check.
Pretty sure I chose UK keyboard when creating the image, my try redoing image again to be sure.
I couldn't tell you, I've simple followed the instructions on the above link using Raspberry OS lite 64-bit image, installation appeared to go ok but I don't have a GUI only the command line so wouldn't know how to check.
Pretty sure I chose UK keyboard when creating the image, my try redoing image again to be sure.
You can set that kind of thing from `sudo raspi-config`
Ok, so I went back and recreated a new Pi image, ensuring I selected correct locale, GB GMT, installed it onto the Pi and same problem with '~'. Ran sudo raspi-config, selected Logitech wireless keyboard (though there were about 6 options), checked correct UK keyboard layout still same; all the other character keys appear to be correct just the tilde not working correctly.
Although I've used Linux for many years, I've tended to avoid using the terminal so I'm not familiar with command line, relying on copy/paste from more knowledgeable people than I; little embarrassing to stumble at the first hurdle, maybe I should take a crash course in using the command line whilst waiting for my kit to arrive.
On the plus side my printed Voron 2.4 manual has arrived today, A4 size so much easier to read.

Update: Success! After a quick crash course on bash commands, figured things out and installed KIAUH, then Klipper, Moonraker, Fluidd & KlipperScreen, upon reboot Klipper GUI came up, though error about unable to detect mcu which I assume is to be expected. Thanks for the help
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