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Recent content by Barnacules

  1. Barnacules

    Barnacules Nerdgasm in the house 🏠

    OMFG Ken.. MSFT Ken?! Is that you? Dude... I have no idea how we lost touch for so long but I'm sure it was my fault 🙏 I miss you man, it's great to see you here in the Voron forums, the last place where I ever thought I would run into you again since I didn't even know you were into 3D...
  2. Barnacules

    Barnacules Nerdgasm in the house 🏠

    Hi there, fellow nerds! I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself here on this forum. My name is Jerry, but most people know me as Barnacules. I've been running a YouTube channel called Barnacules Nerdgasm since 2008, which currently has around 860k subscribers. I started the channel back...