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Recent content by brainkrud

  1. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    So I checked the 3V3 power - it was at 3.3V when the TMC2209s were all removed- and went down to .2V when they were inserted! I was able to communicated with boot0 with them removed. Still couldn't download over SD card (without boot0 jumper). All this time it was the TMC2209s!! Not sure...
  2. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    I double checked- the V_FUSED jumper is installed in J38 (bottom right corner of board). The 24V PSU green light is on the whole time. I think power might be the problem- I downloaded the datasheet and PCB layout. I disconnected all my motor drivers (forgot they were still plugged in). Now...
  3. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    Octopus always off of 24V power. So when I take the octopus down, the pi goes down too. (both are connected to power supplies connected to 120V switch)
  4. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    My pi is powered from an independent 5V power supply (which is powered from 120VAC). I was thinking maybe my PI USB is down? I tried different sockets- all the same. Still curious why the SD doesn't work either... The octopus has several green lights in the middle of the board. After...
  5. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    I appreciate the help. Yes, I checked 2 usb cables- both from the same place. I might purchase one- weird part is I do get dfu feedback only for a few seconds after pressing reset on octopus. That's how I read the marlin info. Then it's gone. This is repeatable every time. I have...
  6. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    I think I'm going to try to reflash the bootloader via an st-link...
  7. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    After step 5 above (no SD card installed), I got: Bus 001 Device 008: ID 0bda:b711 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188GU 802.11n WLAN Adapter (After Modeswitch) Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Microchip Technology, Inc. (formerly SMSC) SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter Bus 001 Device 002: ID...
  8. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    Thanks again for the info. I ran your command and yes I was at version .9. I then ran your fix, now I see I am at v .11. I am unable to get the dfu of the device using lsusb command. I assume that since I can read the serial ids that the USB must be working. Any other help is greatly...
  9. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    Thanks- I didn't even notice the Marlin part. How is that possible? The board definitely updated when I plugged in the SD card (all the green lights eventually turned off) so something programmed- how could it program wrong- but still reference a processor and board? This is very strange.
  10. B

    software installation of btt octopus stm32f407 issue

    I'm a newbie- I followed the Voron 2.4 software installation to a btt octopus- using the setup for the stm32f407 (32k, 8 Mhz, usb on pa11,pa12..) When I uploaded via and SD card, and checked the serial id ($ls /dev/serial/by-id) I got this...