VORON Design

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Recent content by tuct

  1. tuct

    Formbot Kit 0.2r1 with EBB36/Can

    For the ebb and can, I highly recommend using the can hat u2c or a dedicated mcu with can bridge Mode. Using my skr pico in can bridge Mode was not working properly : mcu timer too close or so after sometimes a few minutes or a few hours of printing. I switched to a rp2040 with can bridge...
  2. tuct

    Formbot Kit 0.2r1 with EBB36/Can

    Hi, Unfortunately I did not get a Bom, and also decided to upgrade to 0.2r1 which meant I had to order a few more parts. I ordered my parts on etsy (sry also no bom). You definitely won't need the bed parts that are replaced by the bed included in the kit. I had to reprint some parts that...
  3. tuct

    Formbot Kit 0.2r1 with EBB36/Can

    Had some issues with my CAN setup, Timer too close, turns out running Klipper in CAN bridge mode on the main MCU is not working very well... Used a spare RP2040 instead and now i am happy! Here are some new images Led make every printer faster!!! And now with a Nevermore V6, Webcam and a...
  4. tuct

    Formbot Kit 0.2r1 with EBB36/Can

    1/2/3 August finaly got my replacement 3010 (burned the original by flipping +/-) and finished mini stealth burner. Hat is finished too and software is installed and basic config is done. First prints without or barely any part cooling ;) Forgot to take a Pic of the finished printer, will do...
  5. tuct

    Formbot Kit 0.2r1 with EBB36/Can

    First try on a Voron, got a Formbot kit and upgraded to r1 + decided to go with CAN, more details later, here a just some pics from the last view days! 28.07 - i love electronics! so i started to install klipper on my pico and btt pi and got it running with the bare minimum Parts from etsy...