I'm trying to max out self-reproducibility of voron-0 / avoid supply chain headaches. I was wondering if you could print the fasteners that make up Voron-0. My guess is not anywhere close heated elements (print bed, print head). I'm not sure if it's strong engough for the rest of the printer. Any insight on the subject?
You would have to re-design the printer. it could be done. But the current design assumes there are very strong and tin metal fasteners. A redesign could use much parger printed fasteners. For example a single M3 screw holds maybe 300 pounds of force before the screw itself fails You could print a plastic part that holds 300 pounds of force but it woud be MUCH larger than 3 mm in diameter
A 3D printer make entirely of printed plastic would not look like a Voron printer. A Voron printer is most air. After then there are 2020 extrusions, then a little plastic here and there. But if you did not have metal screws you could not build with 2020 extrusions. You wouild need to print the frame and to get the stregth needed it wouild be more solid with not much air. You would have a holloed out plastic cude.
plastic can be as stromng as metal, if you use enough plastic. one you decide to go 100% plastic you start getting large surface areas, so glue becomes a good fastening option.
My point is that to loose the screws, you have to start from the ground up with a brand new design that is radically different. I would build that fram barrel shaped with curved tapperwd parts that are then glued. The compond curves make the plastic very rigid. All current Vorons are buolt with sticks, then wouild not work at all.
Alomg those lines I'm working on a robotics project. Because I'm using plastic for the structure I choose to design with "stressed skin" like a unibody car. This places the structure as far for the center as possible. And the compound cuves make it strong.
Think of a car hood. It is made of sheet metal that is so thin you could bend it with your hands. But after beinbg pressed to shpae the hood becoome rigid. Your plastic printer woiuld be kind of like that. Like a car, curved organic shapes joined by glue are very stromng and light but WAY-HARD to design.