Im attaching part of my printer.cfg file that defines the onboard acceleroiter in EBB36 V1.2
The klipper is not happy about this setup. Can someone advise why?
I get this message in the console :
Klipper reports: ERROR
Section 'spi_bus spibus' is not a valid config section
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f446xx_360035000650534E4E313120-if00
#canbus_uuid: 6b4cb9c9bacc
[mcu EBBCan]
canbus_uuid: 2f37272e5927
#canbus_uuid: 977fb25adb53
[spi_bus spibus]
mcu: EBBCan
sclk_pin: PB10
miso_pin: PB2
mosi_pin: PB11
[adxl345 my_adxl]
mcu: EBBCan
spi_bus: spibus
cs_pin: EBBCan
axes_map: x,y,z
The klipper is not happy about this setup. Can someone advise why?
I get this message in the console :
Klipper reports: ERROR
Section 'spi_bus spibus' is not a valid config section
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f446xx_360035000650534E4E313120-if00
#canbus_uuid: 6b4cb9c9bacc
[mcu EBBCan]
canbus_uuid: 2f37272e5927
#canbus_uuid: 977fb25adb53
[spi_bus spibus]
mcu: EBBCan
sclk_pin: PB10
miso_pin: PB2
mosi_pin: PB11
[adxl345 my_adxl]
mcu: EBBCan
spi_bus: spibus
cs_pin: EBBCan

axes_map: x,y,z