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Solved Error after following KAMP instructions


Well-known member
I am trying to install KAMP adpative mesh and Voron purge but after followiong the instruction on the KAMP gitbit, Mainsail will give me an error assuming I have entered incorrect details in the cfg files.

Hope you can all help, I have attached the cfg files for you.

Thank you all in advance
So I would have to comb though these files to see if and what the error was.
A better method for troubleshooting is for you to tell us the error you got.
So I would have to comb though these files to see if and what the error was.
A better method for troubleshooting is for you to tell us the error you got.
Ask and you shall recieve. Apologies when i did not provide this when you first asked for it


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I didn't see that in the instructions so probably not.
I added ther [bed mesh] and along with the detail as mentioned in the guide into the homeing and Ganrty Adjustment and still the same error but I also notcied the Z-tilt is in there too.


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It looks like you might be including the KAMP files twice.

In printer.cfg, you have:
[include KAMP_Settings.cfg]
[include Smart_Park.cfg]
[include Adaptive_Meshing.cfg]
[include Voron_Purge.cfg]

... but KAMP_Settings.cfg has:
[include ./KAMP/Adaptive_Meshing.cfg]       # Include to enable adaptive meshing configuration.
# [include ./KAMP/Line_Purge.cfg]             # Include to enable adaptive line purging configuration.
[include ./KAMP/Voron_Purge.cfg]            # Include to enable adaptive Voron logo purging configuration.
[include ./KAMP/Smart_Park.cfg]             # Include to enable the Smart Park function, which parks the printhead near the print area for final heating.

So adaptive meshing, Voron purge, and Smart Park are being included twice.

Remove the extras from the printer.cfg file, leaving only the include for KAMP_Settings.cfg, and try again?
It looks like you might be including the KAMP files twice.

In printer.cfg, you have:
[include KAMP_Settings.cfg]
[include Smart_Park.cfg]
[include Adaptive_Meshing.cfg]
[include Voron_Purge.cfg]

... but KAMP_Settings.cfg has:
[include ./KAMP/Adaptive_Meshing.cfg]       # Include to enable adaptive meshing configuration.
# [include ./KAMP/Line_Purge.cfg]             # Include to enable adaptive line purging configuration.
[include ./KAMP/Voron_Purge.cfg]            # Include to enable adaptive Voron logo purging configuration.
[include ./KAMP/Smart_Park.cfg]             # Include to enable the Smart Park function, which parks the printhead near the print area for final heating.

So adaptive meshing, Voron purge, and Smart Park are being included twice.

Remove the extras from the printer.cfg file, leaving only the include for KAMP_Settings.cfg, and try again?
Thank you!
This was the issue..

Glad you got it working. KAMP is a wonderful plugin - one of those rare cases where an add on fundamentally improves both the process and the result. You're going to be happy you have it enabled. 👍

Glad you got it working. KAMP is a wonderful plugin - one of those rare cases where an add on fundamentally improves both the process and the result. You're going to be happy you have it enabled. 👍
Hi Dave32,

I know I have marked this as "SOLVED"but unfortunately something happend and it has forced to me rebuild the entire Klipper software from scratch. Likely I managed to get most of Klipper installed and workign but unfortunately KAMP is not working like before but I have foloowed your advise it has not work. (T_T) and I am now sure where it is going wrong this time. I know it is a printer.cfg file issue because if comment #KAMP_SETTINGS.cfg it works fines without adaptive bed meshing.


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