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Help! sb2209 utc Canbus/mcu problems


New member
Hi, Ive recently installed sb2209 rp2040 with U2c to octopus. I followed esoterical instructions.

Im having an issue with MCU not connecting. I checked UUId. Reflashed everything and followed trouble shooting.
I did note, unplugging mcu from the u2c and back into the pi makes it show up with ls /dev/serial/by-id ?? which should be showing up plugged into the u2c?

Ive attached klipper log and config. Im sure Ive stuffed up lots of things.
Thanks for the help


Did you double check that you configured the firmware for CAN and rebuilt it after? Because if it shows up over USB as a serial device, you did not.1728586290739.png
Did you double check that you configured the firmware for CAN and rebuilt it after? Because if it shows up over USB as a serial device, you did not.

Yes I certainly did, that was my first thought and i checked, and i reflashed anyway. then i checked then i reflashed through sd not dfu and everytime it is the same result.
Printer shows up on mainsail without errors when connected to raspi. Everything works too, far as i can tell.
I agree it would seem I had not configured firmware for Can but I have and that s contrary to https://canbus.esoterical.online/mainboard_flashing.html for my mother board.
the instructions also stated that to skip flash mother board when using u2c. So i also did that reverted to the original.
Great! Oh, and as a bonus, I'ma tag you with this: https://docs.vorondesign.com/community/howto/drachenkatze/automating_klipper_mcu_updates.html

You officially have more than one MCU, possibly 3 if the U2C is a klipper firmware CAN bridge, so this will help with updating MCUs and not forgetting what you set for them all. You'd need to mesh it with CANBUS specific things for the flashing, but that you can pull from Esoterical's Guide. Set it up and drop the completed file somewhere easy to get for next time you need to update. Same applies to Katapult too with KCONFIG_CONFIG