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I want to retire my MK3s W/ MMU, How to MMU on a Switchwire...


Well-known member
tl;dr How to get a Switchwire to use an MMU without loosing any/too much volume.

I have had my Switchwire for about a year now. It is a semi self sourced kit loosely based off the LDO kits. Even though it is not fully tuned in I think it is faster, and the quality is almost the same as my Prusa MK3S+. I am sure more tuning will get it there. The thing the Prusa has over the Switchwire is the MMU3. I really like the MMU option, but I am not a fan of the amount of real estate it takes up on the bench. The spool holders and buffers take up much too much room.

So with that background, how do I add an MMU option to the Switchwire. I know about the ERCF system, but again, buffers taking up space. Box Turtle is appealing, but everyone seems to use a filament cutter in the tool head (Stealthburner), but I am having a hard time finding a good solution for a cutter on the Switchwire. And the BTT VVD, when it ever comes out, but I don't have enough info to determine if I can get it to work without a toolhead cutter.

Do I 'need' to use a filament cutter with the Box Turtle? The Prusa gets away without a cutter using tip formation.

Is tip formation that bad / difficult that is sholuld be avoided?


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I was also looking at this as a future project for my Switchwire. I am rebuilding mine bring it up to spec and one option was to incorporate the Filametrix cutter into the Stealthburner / CW2 combo during this process.

The mod itself doesn't look like it modifies the toolhead mount so the toolhead side looks do-able. The challenge is to sort the mount on the switchwire frame to push the arm against without losing build volume - i.e you cannot pop it at the back left corner like you can on the 2.4

If I get some time next week I will print out the modified filametrix files and see how it looks and what options there are for the cutting mount on the frame without losing bed volume.

The github link for the Filametrix is here: https://github.com/thunderkeys/FilamATrix
I was in a similar position before, with a Stealthburner on my MK3S Bear. I ended up creating a custom depressor mount for the Filametrix, which cost me ~10mm on the X-axis. Personally, I don't care too much about build volume, but you could probably design a servo-actuated depressor.

BTW, if you're trying to build a MMU on a budget, I would check out the 3MS, a modular MMU I designed.
I should have the toolhead complete in a couple of days to then make some measurements - just waiting on a blade for the Filamatrex cutter - the rest is on the printer. There are a couple of mounts on printables for the x rail compressor mount - will have a good idea if there is much bed space lost soon.