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Installing Octo BTT help needed


Im following the this manual to install Octo BTT on my Pi https://github.com/bigtreetech/OctoBTT/blob/master/README.md
ITs the step 2 that what im ding now. On m system I already have running Can Bus in the bridge mode.
when I type the sudo /bin/sh startup.sh command per manual I get prompt to input password for Piotr which is my User tah I always log in
After I put my usual password in I get this :

Piotr@Voron:~ $ sudo /bin/sh startup.sh
[sudo] password for Piotr:
su: user pi does not exist or the user entry does not contain all the required fields

I don't understand why is saying that the user Pi does not exist.

didnt I try to log in again to user Piotr?

Also now my printer after booting up shows something that it failed to log in to Pi.
Im attaching a screenshot of both my ssh portal and printer error


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