Hello fellow Voron 2.4 users!
I have an issue with PLA prints. Fully tuned printer, everything is set properly (even with using ADXL).
The problem I have looks like this:

I have tried EVERYTHING, and NOTHING seems to work except getting rid of panels and printing without chamber. Event then it looks worse than prints I have done years ago on Ender 3.
Is Voron not capable of printing PLA in chamber? Seriously...
I thought that it would be a an ultimate printer and upgrade from Ender. Now it seems that Ender (in chamber too) work better...
My setup:
Voron 2.4 from Formbot
Stealthburner with Dragon HF
pls help - I have spent last week tinkering with Orca settings and failed...
I have an issue with PLA prints. Fully tuned printer, everything is set properly (even with using ADXL).
The problem I have looks like this:

I have tried EVERYTHING, and NOTHING seems to work except getting rid of panels and printing without chamber. Event then it looks worse than prints I have done years ago on Ender 3.
Is Voron not capable of printing PLA in chamber? Seriously...
I thought that it would be a an ultimate printer and upgrade from Ender. Now it seems that Ender (in chamber too) work better...
My setup:
Voron 2.4 from Formbot
Stealthburner with Dragon HF
pls help - I have spent last week tinkering with Orca settings and failed...