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Question Klipper shutdown: Lost communication with MCH nhk


Well-known member
Hi all,

I have installed and setup my LDO nitehawk for the past 2 weeks and it is has been causing so much fustration with "Lost coummuication with MCU 'nhk' "and it got to the point where it will shut down after 5mins of starting a print. I check the cable and connector all seem to be fine and it has lead me to believe it could be in the code. I have attached the klipper and moonraker logs for you hoping I can find the cause and find a fix for this. The klipper log is a massive 23mb in size so I have to send it as a link to my Google Drive below.

Thank you all advance.


  • moonraker.log
    159.9 KB · Views: 1
FWIW, I've also had a couple of shutdowns with the same message. I've noticed that the reported Nitehawk temperature is around 67C whilst it's printing, which seems rather high to me. What sort of temperatures does yours report? I'm next going to try running the printhead without that hinged sidecover and see if that helps.
FWIW, I've also had a couple of shutdowns with the same message. I've noticed that the reported Nitehawk temperature is around 67C whilst it's printing, which seems rather high to me. What sort of temperatures does yours report? I'm next going to try running the printhead without that hinged sidecover and see if that helps.
Thanks for the input and I average around 45-47 degree cel. I thought it was related to heat but I notcied after running a print without filament, then reducing the hotend and bed to their mimium temp, it will still randomlu lose communication. I am looking to try switching from Mainsail to Fluidd but I am running into issues setting Fluidd with Nitehawk. Read my other post :p