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Question Need help with sensorless homing


Printer Model
Voron 0.2 mixed with Voron 0.1
Extruder Type
Cooling Type
Hello everyone,

I could use your help. I can't see the wood for the trees.
I'm currently building a formbotkit of a Voron 0.2 and am in the process of setting up the printer.cfg. Unfortunately I have some problems with the sensorless homing.
I think this is because I have built a wild mixture of a 0.1 and a 0.2. Specifically I mean I have used CNC parts which are actually meant for a 0.1. That means I don't have the Z-Home switch at the bottom of the Z-axis but at the top.
I can actually home Z quite well. I have simply entered -0.10 for "position_endstop" as in the Voron 0.1 sample configuration.

My problem now is that the X and Y axes cannot be homed correctly with sensorless homing. The axes move a bit and then think they are homed. At the same time, Z keeps moving down a bit.

I'm really stumped right now and can't figure out what's wrong. A nudge in the right direction would be great.
Thank you very much.



Okay this is easy, you have your SGTHRS set to the weakest setting.

Follow this guide to test the strength of the the sensorless. https://docs.vorondesign.com/community/howto/clee/sensorless_xy_homing.html
Perfect, thank you very much.

After a little sleep and a little more thinking, I came up with it.
The problem with my understanding was that I had to go quite far down with the values.
I started at 255 and then went down in steps of 50. I think that's what the instructions say. When I got to 100 and still nothing had changed, I got nervous. Now I'm at 58 and I still had similar behavior up to 60 as I did at 255.

Thanks again anyway.

Perhaps another question. In my printer.cfg, which comes more or less directly from the Voron Github, there are quite a few macros regarding homing. I am not so good at reading and understanding these macros. Hence the question, do I get problems if I home the Z-axis at the upper end of the Z-axis like I do with a Voron 0.1?

Thanks a lot
I do sensorless in jumps of 20 then 10 when I get close then I dial it right in to the final number 1 number at a time. Some machines and stepper driver require this and some give you lots of wiggly room. I can tell you on most machines your values are going to be pretty close to 0
I do sensorless in jumps of 20 then 10 when I get close then I dial it right in to the final number 1 number at a time. Some machines and stepper driver require this and some give you lots of wiggly room. I can tell you on most machines your values are going to be pretty close to 0
I did something similar at the end.
I started at 120 and then went down to 100, then in steps of 10 down to 60 and then to 58.

As I said, I have very little experience with sensorless homing and I was unsure when I went that low.

But now I've learned something again. Not bad either.
