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Question Nothing Prints? (Toolhead moves, temps are fine), however the filament just doesn't extrude. CW2, SB, TAP, Rapido (Listing my specs for reference)


New member
Hello, finally finished my Voron 2.4 R, and after creating a print config and finishing everything in the initial print start guide (z-offset etc.) I am having issues printing. because no matter what I do the filament refuses to extrude, I completely cleaned out my nozzle, and heat tightened the Rapido, made sure it could extrude in the mainsail dashbaord, (without the hotend), did a couple of cold pulls to remove the stuck filament etc. My first cube printed the first couple layers and shortly after stopped extruding filament. Since I went to adjust the tension screw in the CW2 and the Guidler screw, I have not been able to get anything to print.
What should my best course of action be, is the CW2 this finicky for anyone else? Where exactly should my filament be sitting in the extruder cavity, should it be fed into the PTFE tube (one attached to hotend) before I start printing?
What's your extruder motor voltage set to? If it's too low you may run into that issue.
I have no idea, (where can you find this info) but it extrudes fine without the hot end. When I tested individually
It's in your configuration file, printer.cfg. Can you upload the file here? Would you also be able to post a few photos of your toolhead? from the front, and preferably also with extruder opened to take a look to gears.
It's in your configuration file, printer.cfg. Can you upload the file here? Would you also be able to post a few photos of your toolhead? from the front, and preferably also with extruder opened to take a look to gears.
I will post a few photos of the toolhead, however I tested the extruder independently and im 99% it is not that. (It prints now that I got a new nozzle but I think I need to do a re offset of Z or PROBE calibration since i have TAP, which might fix my first layer issues)


You mention Rapido as your hotend. The heatbreak tube is prone to bending very easy. If you took it apart at all or overtightened the side screws it can bend it very easy.
Ask me how I know?
I have not used Rapido 2 yet so I cannot comment on that version.