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Solved Part Cooling Fan Troubleshoot

Printer Model
Extruder Type
Cooling Type
Hello, I recently assembled a V0.2 S-1 kit from Fabreeko. I am at the stage where I have printed my first test cube and I've noticed that neither part cooling fan turned on. I've confirmed with a multimeter that at rest the pins on the toolhead board are 12V, and after issuing an M106 S255 command they are at 24V. The fans want to spin. In fact, they make ~5 revolutions and then halt and repeat that process each 2-3 seconds. I can manually spin them with my fingers so I know they are not catching on anything.

The hotend fan is fine and operates as expected.

Installing the hotend was a very tight fit and I don't think I can extract it without damaging the mini stealth burner frame in order to access the fan wires to inspect them. I am hoping that someone can point me to a mistake in my printer.cfg file attached here, or give me some other good bit of advice on what to do next. Otherwise, I'll end up ripping into the mini stealth burner and likely end up building another.


Double check that the umbilical plug is completely plugged in. I had similar issues at first and it turned out the 14-pin plug wasn't quite all the way engaged.
Neither part cooling fan works when plugged into the hot end fan terminal. The hot end fan runs 100% of the time when plugged into each of the part cooling fan terminals. I will order two new part cooling fans and see how many parts I can salvage from the mini stealth burner as I take it apart. Thanks for point out that swap test.
The new fans work well. I just got unlucky with a bad batch originally. The silver lining is I decided to upgrade to the mini afterburner with the orbiter V2 extruder and use larger 4010 fans. The PLA test cube looks much better now.