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problem with second hand voron 2.4


Hi All,

Sorry to be a pain but we recently replaced a Prussa we built 8 years ago and ran on windows software with a pre built Voron 2.4 and have loved the results of its work. Basic skills have got us by so far but this week we had an extruder break down and tho' we replaced all hot end parts on the dragon stealth burner along with the print fan, the heat on the hot end is still constantly rising as soon as we switch on? I have to disconnect the heater to get time to delve? Research suggests that this is to do with a part on the can bus board (EBB 36 v1.2) so we replaced original with same.

But since we don't have the raspberry pi user name and password for remote access and we do not know what it is I am struggling with insufficient experience on raspberry systems. I have been researching on how to set up the new board but am worried about the prospect of losing control of the config and set up since we do not have the password?

I wonder; can I just take the SD card out of printer and copy all the info by passing the user name issue and then set up the can bus from there? I guess I am looking for printer.config file in klipper? How can I really tell which config file is being used on printer? I was thinking I could just change uuid in mcu EBBCan in config file and not touch anything else? I am concerned that we just loose the lot irretrievably, any help most welcome?
The challenge with the "pull the sdcard" approach, is that the file system is a Linux ext4 filesystem, which isn't natively supported on mac or Windows.

That being said, generally the only things that need backing up before a wipe are the config files, all of which should be downloadable through mainsail/fluidd.

I also have to say though: ssh access to the pi is part of normal usage and updating on a voron. It is almost inconceivable (and honestly unacceptable) to me that somebody selling prebuilts would withhold access. I would very much hope that you could just drop the seller a message, and they would provide the necessary info. Might also be worth trying the very old defaults of user: pi pass: raspberry
Hi, thank you for your reply. The previous owner\builder has passed away and we asked his friend for password and user name but I don't know if he knows it either.

According to info from Fluidd, the hostname is fluiddpi. I guess I can try try SSH pi@fluidd.local with default password: raspberry?

I have downloaded all the config files from Fluidd and I can try modifying the latest one. It sounds like there is not much to gain from taking SD card out of Voron since we have already downloaded all config files, is that right?

As for changing the EBB Bus setting in config file, Can I just change the uuid of EBB Can and leave everything else as it is since we purchased same one as original?

We appreciate your time and support and look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
In order to get at the Klipper SD card on Windows I have used DiskInternals Linux Reader to mound it within Windows and gain full access to the card. That said, the main thing you really need is the config files (/home/pi/printer_data/config) and if you want to retain the history database of jobs and time /home/pi/printer_data/database.

If it were me, I'd get a new SD card and flash a fresh install on it. Then copy the two directories I mentioned over. That ought to get you at least most of the way there if not back up and running. Then it will be your install with your credentials. It's also good to learn the process for future issues.

All that said, I wonder with the heater going right from start up if there's a hardware failure going on.
It's certainly worth trying pi/raspberry. Fluiddpi (not fluidd itself, but fluiddpi) has been depreciated for several years though, so that's another pretty strong incentive to wipe & reinstall, imo.
Isn't it easy to simply copy all the cfg from the pi and build yourself a new system on another sd card with your chosen username and password? Or am I too naive?
Yep! It is. That's what I was saying above.
weren't there issues with certain control boards which would heat up straight from being switched on? I read warnings about that somewhere some time ago, the only thing to remedy that was to reflash the control board I recall. Trouble is, if this machine used to work before......
I also bought a second hand Voron and honestly I will never ever buy a second hand home built machine. Simply not worth the hassle. I had it from May this year and only recently started printing with confidence. I replaced 3 stepper drivers and in the end the whole control board. I had wire breakages inside the cable chains once a week or so. And I could never get the end stop switch to dictate the z offset, it was all highjacked by the klicky macros and cfg.
So that is two things I will never do again, buy second hand or buy creality.
Sorry for the off-topic rant, it seems I have some hidden anger to deal with :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Hi people, thank you for your suggestions. Sorry for being absent for a while. I installed new OS (legacy bullseye lite, could not ssh to bookworm from beginning so I gave up.) Installed klipper with python 3, moonraker, fluidd. I think we flashed firmware to new EBB 36 Can v1.1 in DFU mode (cannot tell if it was successful or not). I tried to put fimware to Octopus v1.0 with SD card but file .bin does not change to .cue so I put back in original file firmware.cue (kept copy from original SD card) back in. Totally failed on ls -l /dev/serial/by-id command but realised last night by looking at printer.cfg that I need uuid instead.

I copied original SD card and copied all .cfg to new card but fluidd could not connect to printer at all afterward. So I re-installed rpi OS and started from beginning again. I put back original printer.cfg and I will copy original .cfg files to new SD. I am not sure where to go next. Happy to hear any suggestions. I will post klipper log and error message from fluidd when I find out uuid of MCUs and copied all .cfg to new SD card. Thank you for your patience. Hope you have a good day.
In order to get at the Klipper SD card on Windows I have used DiskInternals Linux Reader to mound it within Windows and gain full access to the card. That said, the main thing you really need is the config files (/home/pi/printer_data/config) and if you want to retain the history database of jobs and time /home/pi/printer_data/database.

If it were me, I'd get a new SD card and flash a fresh install on it. Then copy the two directories I mentioned over. That ought to get you at least most of the way there if not back up and running. Then it will be your install with your credentials. It's also good to learn the process for future issues.

All that said, I wonder with the heater going right from start up if there's a hardware failure going on.
I looked into /home/pi/printer_data/
In order to get at the Klipper SD card on Windows I have used DiskInternals Linux Reader to mound it within Windows and gain full access to the card. That said, the main thing you really need is the config files (/home/pi/printer_data/config) and if you want to retain the history database of jobs and time /home/pi/printer_data/database.

If it were me, I'd get a new SD card and flash a fresh install on it. Then copy the two directories I mentioned over. That ought to get you at least most of the way there if not back up and running. Then it will be your install with your credentials. It's also good to learn the process for future issues.

All that said, I wonder with the heater going right from start up if there's a hardware failure going on
Hi claudermilk, thank you for your advice. I tried copy /home/pi/printer_data/config from SD card. There is a ! mark symbol on file and I copied it but I don't know if anything in it. Is there any way to view this file? I tried to cheat password with going into /etc/passwrd/ and modify but file on SD card would not let me save the file.

weren't there issues with certain control boards which would heat up straight from being switched on? I read warnings about that somewhere some time ago, the only thing to remedy that was to reflash the control board I recall. Trouble is, if this machine used to work before......
I also bought a second hand Voron and honestly I will never ever buy a second hand home built machine. Simply not worth the hassle. I had it from May this year and only recently started printing with confidence. I replaced 3 stepper drivers and in the end the whole control board. I had wire breakages inside the cable chains once a week or so. And I could never get the end stop switch to dictate the z offset, it was all highjacked by the klicky macros and cfg.
So that is two things I will never do again, buy second hand or buy creality.
Sorry for the off-topic rant, it seems I have some hidden anger to deal with :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Hi 3dCase, thank you for your comment. It would have been easier just build another one. I installed new SD card with OS (legacy bullseye lite), klipper, moonraker and fluidd. I put back in original printer.cfg. Honestly I don't know where to go from here. Octopus v1.0 must have been previously configured and installed. Firmware.cur in sd card so I left it. There is nothing in fluidd interface. Not connected to MCU is all it says. As for BTT EBB 36 v1.1 CanBus, I think we managed flash firmware but not sure if it was successfull or not. Octo tap is working with red light. I don't know what to do next. Do I start flashing Octopus v1.0 board with new firmware or bootloader. I am not sure if Rpi is talking to Octopus board. Where do I need to go next? klipper config? Please advice.

I tried to copy config from /home/pi/printer_data from original SD card but there is ! symbol and I don't think I copied it from SD card. File got copied but I don't think anything is in it.
I looked into /home/pi/printer_data/

Hi claudermilk, thank you for your advice. I tried copy /home/pi/printer_data/config from SD card. There is a ! mark symbol on file and I copied it but I don't know if anything in it. Is there any way to view this file? I tried to cheat password with going into /etc/passwrd/ and modify but file on SD card would not let me save the file.

Where did you copy it to? Does the file show a size above 0 bytes?

When I've used the DiskInternals utility to copy from the SD card to my Windows PC, I've just used a text editor (Notepad++ is my go-to). With that, even is there's issues copying the original file over, you could SSH into the new SD and create a blank file then just copy-paste the contents and let the Linux system do a save. Does that make sense?
Personally, and I think I have been in a similar situation as you, I would rather forget about copying anything and start fresh with everything. Only take the values you need for your machine from the current config and rebuild the lot from scratch.
I would start with 32 bit rpi os, not lite, because 64 bit seems to have had a rocky road with canbus. After that look up the voron documentation and follow it step for step for your hardware.
In my opinion this will ensure two things:
First the machine will have a clean system without remnants from what other people have left you with.
Second you will be familiar with the system and therefor get a better feeling for any troubles and where to look for solutions.
I did this after months of struggling to understand what the previous owner had done, and only now I start to see where he went wrong. Klipper is fantastic but one weak point is that because it is fully opensource and it lets you configure any way you want, it has no rigid structure and if you did not build it it can be a jungle inside, stopping you to fully get to the bottom of why certain things are happening as they do.
If you build it fresh, you know what you have done and no secrets inside.
Hi everyone, we have sorted out the new SD card with new pi os in. Thank you for all advices and supports. At least we are now more familiar with system. Thank you all and have a happy printing. Kind regards. Piglet