Real life happened again, but now that hopefully that (and the insanity at work) is going to die down at least a little bit. Got the Clockwork 2 carriage sorted out, and thankfully with how I'd trimmed the belts before finding out that issue with the Chaotic Labs carriage there was enough remaining to tension with the stock carriage..

But just barely. That was "fun" to get sorted out, but on the flipside I also somehow got belt tension bang on, so I'll take victories where they come about!

Yup, we're at that part of the manual! No pics of the soldering setup, partially because I just wanted to get the heatsets in, and partially because, well, nobody wants to see my kitchen counters. I really need to get a soldering iron with a cable that's longer, so I can use it at one of my desks/workbenches...

A little while later and we have an assembled Clockwork 2 and Stealthburner. I'll have to change the connector on those LEDs since I'll be using the Stealthburner toolhead... Which I should probably order in from someone, since LDO's is slightly different than the HartK one, and I kind of pilfered the Afterburner one that was in the kit for use on my Trident (made life easier for getting it back up and running using their breakout board). Sock is missing on the Rapido in order to remind myself later on that oh hey, that nozzle is only in just barely finger tight and I'll need to hot tighten it. Yup, put the Rapido I'd already purchased in there for a few reasons, but the biggest was I already have it. I'll contemplate Revo Voron later on, since I'm still debating a wide variety of things as to what I actually want - who knows, I may just wind up getting a Dragon for this printer too, since I'm generally quite happy with it in the Trident.
I'm hoping to be updating this thread more often, as I'd love to see this printer fire up and melt plastic this year!