- Printer Model
- V0.2
- Extruder Type
- Orbiter
- Cooling Type
- Other
The best way is to build your self tapping mechanism with led diode powered from battery.
My proof of concept requires:
circuit development board
9V battery
led diod 0.9v
1K resistor (to reduce voltage)
button 5x5mm, 4.3mm high
2 short cables.
* 3.3v battery in my case to be equal bright required 150omh so it was 2.55v maybe it could not deliver enough amperes.

From bed_adj_adjust macro take only X and Y positions, my version height is 14.3mm to button in my case activation was on 13.96mm.

How to use it:
1. Calibrate expected distance on most front screw first.
2. Make z offset even for left and right back screws.
3. Adjust bed center point z offset.
4. Make first layer print (i was doing disc 115x115x0.2 from slicer primitives).
5. Check what you get.
6. Adjust height for not matching screw and go back to point 4.
7. if result are almost even jump to point 3 might be needed.
8. Heat soak verification, in my case -0.01mm bed center point z offset add just was required. *keep nozzle below 80C so it wont damage the button, bed was on 105.
9. Note your self distance correction from front screw and you are done.
Paper method sucks big time why no one previously described this method I have no idea.
*Self made pcb version, I've bent pcb with heat while soldering in my opinion its not worth the time. Theoretical gain is total height of 10mm including printed chassis and should be harder to damage if not damaged making xD

My proof of concept requires:
circuit development board
9V battery
led diod 0.9v
1K resistor (to reduce voltage)
button 5x5mm, 4.3mm high
2 short cables.
* 3.3v battery in my case to be equal bright required 150omh so it was 2.55v maybe it could not deliver enough amperes.

From bed_adj_adjust macro take only X and Y positions, my version height is 14.3mm to button in my case activation was on 13.96mm.

How to use it:
1. Calibrate expected distance on most front screw first.
2. Make z offset even for left and right back screws.
3. Adjust bed center point z offset.
4. Make first layer print (i was doing disc 115x115x0.2 from slicer primitives).
5. Check what you get.
6. Adjust height for not matching screw and go back to point 4.
7. if result are almost even jump to point 3 might be needed.
8. Heat soak verification, in my case -0.01mm bed center point z offset add just was required. *keep nozzle below 80C so it wont damage the button, bed was on 105.
9. Note your self distance correction from front screw and you are done.
Paper method sucks big time why no one previously described this method I have no idea.
*Self made pcb version, I've bent pcb with heat while soldering in my opinion its not worth the time. Theoretical gain is total height of 10mm including printed chassis and should be harder to damage if not damaged making xD