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V0.2 bed level

Printer Model
V 0.2
Extruder Type
Cooling Type
I have it built and am trying to adjust the bed. I run the bed_screw_level macro and the print head goes to the three spots on the bed, I adjust the bed screws at each until the paper test is the same in all three. When I go to print though, the right side of the bed is further away ( filament doesn’t stick) and the left side is too close (nozzle gouges the build plate). What am I doing wrong??
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The tension on the screws is irrelevant. Stick a piece of paper between the nozzle and bed and do the pull test; you want just a bit of resistance. I found that after doing that I had to make some very minor adjustments before it was completely dialed in (also initially a dumb assembly error made things extra hard). The good thing is once you get it dialed in, you can just leave it.
The tension on the screws is irrelevant. Stick a piece of paper between the nozzle and bed and do the pull test; you want just a bit of resistance. I found that after doing that I had to make some very minor adjustments before it was completely dialed in (also initially a dumb assembly error made things extra hard). The good thing is once you get it dialed in, you can just leave it.
That’s what I have done. Just a bit of resistance at each screw. But then I print and all heck breaks loose….
I feel you. Once I fixed my assembly error, I still went through the leveling process about three or four times. The bed is dialed in now, so it's running great. It just took a while & was a bit painful to get there.

I ran some test patches for first layer distributed across the bed to double check the paper calibration and that helped a bit.
I ran some test patches for first layer distributed across the bed to double check the paper calibration and that helped a bit.
I’m about done with this thing. Gone through the bed assembly 5 times. Run the paper test 20 times and nothing changes. Right side won’t stick and left side drags the bed. I even threw a level on the bed and it’s level. Gantry is square.
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With one side not sticking and the other dragging, that still says to me the bed and gantry are not parallel. The assembly error I made was using one size too long screws for the carriage mounts; they bottomed out before locking the bed in place. It gave me fits trying to get it level. Double check that the bed mount isn't moving at all.
Did you ever figure out what was causing your issue? I'm having the exact same problem - the two back corners are perfect, and middle of the front is as well, but go to the front corners, and one will be too far from the nozzle and the other will be too close. I have tried a bunch of things and I'm no closer to solving it
Did you make sure everything was tight on the ball screw and bed. My POM Nut was loose which caused hours of troubleshooting. You should be able to wiggle your table by hand and it shouldn't move. If it does something is loose.
I had gotten this worked out eventually with help from some members of the voron discord. I eventually got a really good result by doing the following:

- added larger washers to the sops of the springs so they seat squarely on all corners
- add 2 full knobs rotation (cranked them down all the way)
- 3 Screws calibration
- Set first layer height to 0.25, rest keep 0.2
- The tops of the Z axis rails needed adjusting slightly - I moved them both over just a bit and felt the printer almost "untweak" like it was slightly off square as a unit until I did that.

then i sort of live adjusted screws and manually edited the position_endstop at the end of printer.cfg (where it says not to) to get that first layer perfect height and without elephant foot.

I got a single layer print to cover the whole bed pretty well with just a slight bit of issue in one corner - it's 98% good now in my book. Well, until it threw itself off my desk (still have no clue on how that happened) - looks okay, and completed a 2.5 hour print after adjusting the front nut to compensate for how the kiragmai bed bent slightly downward.
- added larger washers to the sops of the springs so they seat squarely on all corners
Good point there. I had forgotten that I added washers on the tops of the springs as some point in my struggles. I do think it helped.
I guess you guys have got the same problem as me... I gave up 3 days ago and came back to it today... I've spent like a week trying to get this right and all that's happened is the problem used to be mirrored for me. The left side wasn't close enough and the right side was too close. I have no idea why it switched but I feel like it might have happened when I took the plate off to fix the back right bed screw because the nuts locking the screw to the bed got loose and I couldn't adjust that screw properly. I haven't taken everything apart to double check everything yet (that seems like it would suck). If I did want to take it apart where would I start and how much do I need to take apart?
I guess you guys have got the same problem as me... I gave up 3 days ago and came back to it today... I've spent like a week trying to get this right and all that's happened is the problem used to be mirrored for me. The left side wasn't close enough and the right side was too close. I have no idea why it switched but I feel like it might have happened when I took the plate off to fix the back right bed screw because the nuts locking the screw to the bed got loose and I couldn't adjust that screw properly. I haven't taken everything apart to double check everything yet (that seems like it would suck). If I did want to take it apart where would I start and how much do I need to take apart?
I got help in the voron discord and this is what I ended up doing:

-Double checking my z rails to make sure they were parallel (they were pretty much perfect.)
-I put more preload on the bed springs then made sure that the bed level knobs had more contact with my bed frame (fysetc CNC frame) with some large washers/spacers. This was done to make sure that the heating and cooling as well as the removal of the pei plate would have a much lower chance of affecting the bed in some way (also the springs on my kit allow the bed to move quite a bit on the horizontal planes without the heavier preload.)
-Went through the normal bed leveling and offset procedure.

These did not fix the issue but it did make it so i was able to accept that my bed has this problem inherently. I was able to adjust things to get to what I consider acceptable but I do plan on addressing the issues further. I might buy a new bed and I have also considered that there might be a problem with how flat the magnetic sheet is sitting.

Here is a picture of what I ended up with:


  • uneven bed.jpg
    uneven bed.jpg
    676.5 KB · Views: 12
That looks really close. I'd loosen the back right screw just a tiny bit and see where that puts it.