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V2.4 Based Tool Changer Questions


I'm torn between ordering the Prusa XL 5 tool head or building a Voron V2.4 based tool changer (likely stealth changer). I already have a functioning V2.4 Rev C LDO kit and would be adding another printer.

For those that have done a tool changer, are there any parts that would not get used from an LDO kit that would make more sense to just self source the whole build?

I think I'd be using dragon burner with 5 or 6 tool heads on a 350mm build so the extruder parts in an LDO kit definitely wouldn't be used but would be spares for my current setup. The Rev D nitehawk usb board could go to upgrading my current machine as well so it's not a waste there either.
i belive 80 bucks on ali per toolhead, prusa xl way overpriced in comparisien.
tz v6
toolhead board fystect canbus or ebb2209
nema14 and bmg gears
rough estimate

then ofc prints and docks
Keep in mind Prusa's price also comes with support from the company, and they really aren't targeting this crowd for those. With Ali you're on your own & hope with each order the parts you receive are legit good parts.
well true. but i'm guessing if you all ready have a Voron, you hopefully are little tech savy. YMMV
It really depends on how you use your 3D printer. I originally built a RailCore and don't get me wrong, it was great, but the hype kind of went away. However the CoreXY setup is not as mature as the Voron is. That is to say, while the RailCore was fine when it came out, it never went though multipole versions to improve it self (aka, Voron 2.4 vs Leagcy)

I ended up buying a Prusa MK3 (Upgraded the motors and electronics to a MK4 then with an MMU3) because I needed a printer that can print while I built the RailCore. I ended up still using the Prusa more now with input shaping simply because calibrating input shaping on my badly tuned RailCore just ate my time. Did I mention 3 z axes bed leveling didn't come to the firmware till much MUCH latter (at least on the Duet3D board I had). So now my RailCore, except for the good belts, rails and electronics, is just sitting there doing nothing while my Prusa is chugging away. The MMU3, as delayed as it was, has yet to jam (even though I REALLY wanted PVA to work with it, sigh).

So what does all this mean? Do you want to print things or do you want to build a printer? I realized I like to build other stuff than just fiddle with my printer so I use the Prusa. All their models have been tested from hell to back and they give some very interesting information on that process on their blogs. The XL is incredibly expensive, but with all the competition now they might be bringing down the price not to mention building one even in parts is incredible easy and alignment is all a snap.

HOWEVER I have a stack of 3D parts, extrusions on a shelf. Another stack of ASA/PTEG/PLA on another. I also have more than 3 years of experience messing with 3D printers so now I am working on a Voron 2.4 build with a tool changer. So for me going Voron is way cheaper, even from the start, than dropping the cash on an XL.

So witch to get? If you want a well tested printer with a company that has a decade more of experience the XL. If you already have a working Voron, then add on to it. Just decide if you enjoy building printers or printing projects:)
I had the Prusa MK3S+ and MMU2 for several years and sold it after building my Voron with the intent to order the MK4S+ and MMU3. However Prusa's idea of "in stock" doesn't align with mine when it said shipping starts in 3 days turned into a 6 week lead time for my order. I cancelled it and went with a Bambu X1C with 2 AMS units for making "pretty" things. My Voron may only go to a 2 or 3 toolhead unit now just for dissimilar material supports or dissolvable supports. Thanks for all the input!
I'm torn between ordering the Prusa XL 5 tool head or building a Voron V2.4

Why not both?

Kidding aside (not really, I have both) if the XL had come out when I got into 3D printing, and I had the money, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, after using it for this long. Excellent machine. Seriously. I poopoo the MK3S+ all the time (even though I own one Prusa, and 4 Fysetc clones (one a bear)), but Josef does put out some real quality. Pricey, but you get what you pay for; a machine you have to do very little to, and prints awesomely.

But I like building things, and that's why I also have so many vorons. Don't ask, I don't like having to count them and add up the money they all cost. And I'll be building a multi-head 2.4 one of these days.

There are a couple guys doing it right now and they are doing really well with them. I'll let them iron out the details and modify their work to fit my needs.

Another option is ERCF of Armored Turtle, or roll your own. Way less money, but some aggravation if you don't hit it out of the park on the first try.

Good luck, and let us see what you end up doing.