I have completed my Voron 2.4 but I'm struggling with an extrusion issue. Every time I try to print something, it works fine at the beginning but eventually it clogs and stops extruding or at least with minimal output. I can also hear the extruder clicking and skipping. Once I remove the filament mid print, clip the filament and put it back in the extruder, it seems to back to normal for a while.
I'm using an E3D Revo with a 0.4mm nozzle and I built a stealthburner with a Clockwork 2 extruder. To be totally honest I'm not sure to understand how the clockwork works exactly and what the thumbscrew pressure adjustment is supposed to do. Obviously I've tested numerous positions but it doesn't seem to be doing much.
I've also uploaded 2 videos. The first one printing a 40 min 3D Benchy and the second one where I extrude filament at 5mm/s to clearly demonstrated the extruder clicking hopelessly. I've added the settings for the extruder as well.
Thanks a lot for your help guys !!
step_pin: PE2
dir_pin: PE3
enable_pin: !PD4
## Update value below when you perform extruder calibration
## If you ask for 100mm of filament, but in reality it is 98mm:
## rotation_distance = <previous_rotation_distance> * <actual_extrude_distance> / 100
## 22.6789511 is a good starting point
rotation_distance: 22.6789511 #Bondtech 5mm Drive Gears
## Update Gear Ratio depending on your Extruder Type
## Use 50:17 for Afterburner/Clockwork (BMG Gear Ratio)
## Use 80:20 for M4, M3.1
gear_ratio: 50:10 #BMG Gear Ratio
microsteps: 16
full_steps_per_rotation: 200 #200 for 1.8 degree, 400 for 0.9 degree
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.75
heater_pin: PA2
## Validate the following thermistor type to make sure it is correct
sensor_type: Generic 3950 ##ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G
## "EPCOS 100K B57560G104F"
## "ATC Semitec 104GT-2"
## "NTC 100K beta 3950"
## "Honeywell 100K 135-104LAG-J01"
## "NTC 100K MGB18-104F39050L32" (Keenovo Heater Pad)
## "AD595"
## "PT100 INA826"
sensor_pin: PF4
min_temp: 10
max_temp: 270
max_power: 1.0
min_extrude_temp: 170
#control = pid
#pid_kp = 26.213
#pid_ki = 1.304
#pid_kd = 131.721
## Try to keep pressure_advance below 1.0
pressure_advance: 0.05
## Default is 0.040, leave stock
pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040
I have completed my Voron 2.4 but I'm struggling with an extrusion issue. Every time I try to print something, it works fine at the beginning but eventually it clogs and stops extruding or at least with minimal output. I can also hear the extruder clicking and skipping. Once I remove the filament mid print, clip the filament and put it back in the extruder, it seems to back to normal for a while.
I'm using an E3D Revo with a 0.4mm nozzle and I built a stealthburner with a Clockwork 2 extruder. To be totally honest I'm not sure to understand how the clockwork works exactly and what the thumbscrew pressure adjustment is supposed to do. Obviously I've tested numerous positions but it doesn't seem to be doing much.
I've also uploaded 2 videos. The first one printing a 40 min 3D Benchy and the second one where I extrude filament at 5mm/s to clearly demonstrated the extruder clicking hopelessly. I've added the settings for the extruder as well.
Thanks a lot for your help guys !!
step_pin: PE2
dir_pin: PE3
enable_pin: !PD4
## Update value below when you perform extruder calibration
## If you ask for 100mm of filament, but in reality it is 98mm:
## rotation_distance = <previous_rotation_distance> * <actual_extrude_distance> / 100
## 22.6789511 is a good starting point
rotation_distance: 22.6789511 #Bondtech 5mm Drive Gears
## Update Gear Ratio depending on your Extruder Type
## Use 50:17 for Afterburner/Clockwork (BMG Gear Ratio)
## Use 80:20 for M4, M3.1
gear_ratio: 50:10 #BMG Gear Ratio
microsteps: 16
full_steps_per_rotation: 200 #200 for 1.8 degree, 400 for 0.9 degree
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.75
heater_pin: PA2
## Validate the following thermistor type to make sure it is correct
sensor_type: Generic 3950 ##ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G
## "EPCOS 100K B57560G104F"
## "ATC Semitec 104GT-2"
## "NTC 100K beta 3950"
## "Honeywell 100K 135-104LAG-J01"
## "NTC 100K MGB18-104F39050L32" (Keenovo Heater Pad)
## "AD595"
## "PT100 INA826"
sensor_pin: PF4
min_temp: 10
max_temp: 270
max_power: 1.0
min_extrude_temp: 170
#control = pid
#pid_kp = 26.213
#pid_ki = 1.304
#pid_kd = 131.721
## Try to keep pressure_advance below 1.0
pressure_advance: 0.05
## Default is 0.040, leave stock
pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040