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Y Axis wrong


New member
Printer Model
Ender 3 Switchwire
I have a Ender 3 to Switchwire. When I tell the printhead to move to X10 Y10 the printhead moves to the back left of bed. I want the printhead to move to the front left of the bed. So the x axis is right I need to Y axis to move to the front instead of the back at Y10. Is there a way to do this?
The startup guide is your friend...

But yes. Just invert the dir_pin by adding (or removing) a !
The startup guide is your friend...

But yes. Just invert the dir_pin by adding (or removing) a !
I wish it was that easy. The printer homes perfectly, and the motors are turning the right way. if I change the dir the bed would go in the wrong direction to the endstop.
ah, gotcha.
So two things then
1. We need actual bed movement (not homing. Actual use) to be such that 0 is an the front, and 235 or whatever is at the back. We accomplish this by adjusting the dir_pin. (Sounds like you have this part already)

2. We need klipper to understand where the endstop switch actually is, and home in the correct direction to reach it. We accomplish this by setting the "endstop_position" setting to 0 or 235, whichever is appropriate.
Do also make sure "homing_positive_dir" is NOT in there. (It'll auto figure this out based on the position setting)
ah, gotcha.
So two things then
1. We need actual bed movement (not homing. Actual use) to be such that 0 is an the front, and 235 or whatever is at the back. We accomplish this by adjusting the dir_pin. (Sounds like you have this part already)

2. We need klipper to understand where the endstop switch actually is, and home in the correct direction to reach it. We accomplish this by setting the "endstop_position" setting to 0 or 235, whichever is appropriate.
Do also make sure "homing_positive_dir" is NOT in there. (It'll auto figure this out based on the position setting)
Still having the same problem here is my y config.

step_pin: PB10
dir_pin: !PB2
enable_pin: !PB11
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 32
endstop_pin: ^PC1
position_endstop: 240
position_min: 30
position_max: 240
homing_speed: 100
# homing_positive_dir: true

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PC11
tx_pin: PC10
uart_address: 2
run_current: 0.5
hold_current: 0.3
interpolate: False
stealthchop_threshold: 0

I removed the homing_positive_dir and I tried both position_endstop 240 and position_endstop 30 which homes the printer the wrong way
I'm not sure what else to tell you. I've given you the two factors at play here. some combination of the two tools I've given you WILL ABSOLUTELY GET YOU THE CORRECT RESULTS. you just need to think it through and figure out what combination it is.
(it's entirely possible you need to reverse BOTH dir_pin AND endstop_position, for example)
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I'm not sure what else to tell you. I've given you the two factors at play here. some combination of the two tools I've given you WILL ABSOLUTELY GET YOU THE CORRECT RESULTS. you just need to think it through and figure out what combination it is.
(it's entirely possible you need to reverse BOTH dir_pin AND endstop_position, for example)

I took a break from the printer and came back and was able to get it working. Thank you very much for your help!!