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Solved Z distance during travel


Well-known member
Printer Model
Voron 2.4.r2 Rev.C LDO kit
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
Hi guys,

Another crash related quesion. I noticed that when i start a print the printer first moves the nozzle very close to the bed, and then does a X/Y movement across the bed. Is there a way to set the Z height for those travel moves to be higher up. This behaviour is freaking me out, and sometimes crashes the nozzle into the bed. I am using klicky probe and the klicky configuration makes me disable Safe_z in my printer.cfg, not sure if that is related, but i cant find a similar feature in the klicky configs.

* So, just to keep everything nice and clean, this is resolved by using different START gcode. Anyone facing similar issues should check their STARTcode.*
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Sure it is, but more important, why would it crash into the bed? This must be before QGL?
When I was running a probe that touched the bed I kept the Z hop at like 3mm to make it fast but if you need that increased something else might be wrong? Post your printer.cfg as a text file
I have found that It is KAMP related. Prusaslicer put a purge line on the left front corner. But KAMP does not mesh that location. I know that the P in KAMP is for Purge so i have disable the purge in Prusaslicer. I am trying to do a poor mans mmu print, and it was not obvious that it would also print a purgeline in addition to the purgetower.
Within that specific example it is very obvious that it is hitting the bed. But i also dont like it when it does that on every print, i dont want it to travel XY with Z that close to the bed if you know what i mean. On Discord people tell me i should look into the slicer, but surely you can prevent the machine from doing travel moves that close to the bed. I have included my full .cfg files for review.


okay I see you have homing_retract set to 3, change it to 10 and see if that works for you. Its in the Z stepper settings section, line 175
Keep in mind this will slow your print start time so you might have to find just the right amount to set.

okay I see you have homing_retract set to 3, change it to 10 and see if that works for you. Its in the Z stepper settings section, line 175
Keep in mind this will slow your print start time so you might have to find just the right amount to set.

View attachment 2591

Thank you, you are a legend. I have asked on Discord but people do not seem to understand what my issue is. Everyone was saying its my slicer setup.. Its the terminologie that trips me up here, cause i would have never though of that being the setting i need, as it is using the word retraction. I will try and find a sweetspot and report back for future reference. Thanks again!
Yeah it's hard to say what you are talking about on Discord if you are rushed at all. I like using both places but the forum is a slower more thought out space.
Yeah it's hard to say what you are talking about on Discord if you are rushed at all. I like using both places but the forum is a slower more thought out space.
I like the Forum more for that. Lets you include more data so someone else can get a better picture of whats going on. Im also a 80's kid, so i am more used to forums anyway 😂
But you know how things are, if we have a question today we would like the answer yesterday.
Sadly, this was not the solution. I have recorded some video of what is happening. I dont understand why it does that. The corner where this is happening is the corner where i left the bed screw kinda loose. But even if it was the case that my bed was flat as possible, i dont like the traveling so close to the bed. People tell me this is a setting in my slicer (Prusaslicer) but i cant find a setting that looks like it will solve this.

Video: https://streamable.com/0tti5s
I see, mine does the same but I am okay with it. I don't see how this is a slicer setting as the slicer only pushes the plastic. Klipper tells the toolhead where it is in space. So you could set something in your start_print to say, after heatup, move head up 5mm then move to position and start.
I see, mine does the same but I am okay with it. I don't see how this is a slicer setting as the slicer only pushes the plastic. Klipper tells the toolhead where it is in space. So you could set something in your start_print to say, after heatup, move head up 5mm then move to position and start.
i agree, i could not see this being a slicer thing. But it is driving me nuts. And to be honest i dont want to leave it like this either. This does not sit good with me, spent a lot of time building the machine precise, and this behaviour is anything but precise.

I am really bad at Gcode commands, so i would have to look into how to do that in the start gcode. But at the moment i am not sure if working on the machine is something i want to put myself through, it is really getting on my nerves. I find i have to do a lot of tinkering with the machine to get one print of it. Between the scraping and the constant issues with auto-z ( probe samples exceeds tolerance on touching the z endstop) and the first layer being off, either not sticking, or too much squish, i am kinda lost and losing my patience. Heck i am even regretting not buying the Bamboo X1C for way less money... i know, blasfemie
I will say, 2.4 is for tinkering and my X1C is just hit go and it prints flawless 99% of the time.
yeah, i did not like the closed nature of the Bambu, but my biggest gripe was the max z height, i really need a minimum of 300mm in Z. I have been spoiled with my X1 sidewinder in that regard.