I made this after seeing someone have their 2.4’s 350x350 build plate trashed due to a homing error when using using sensorless homing & a Z endstop switch.
Basically the printer knows your gantry is going too low & stops the printer from homing instantly. So no bad things happen & no trashed beds!
Basically the printer knows your gantry is going too low & stops the printer from homing instantly. So no bad things happen & no trashed beds!
GitHub - 3DPrintDemon/Voron_2.4_AES_System_Auto_Emergency_Stop_For_Z_Endstop_Switch: Save your printer with this Auto E STOP System to catch Z Homing errors using a nozzle triggered endstop switch.
Save your printer with this Auto E STOP System to catch Z Homing errors using a nozzle triggered endstop switch. - GitHub - 3DPrintDemon/Voron_2.4_AES_System_Auto_Emergency_Stop_For_Z_Endstop_Switc...