I'm doing the Can Bus mod on my Trident. BigTreeTech has a kit specifically designed for Stealthburner. It uses some super-tiny JST connectors on the toolhead board that require me to re-terminate several wires. I'm running the Revo Voron hot end. The thermistor wires are insulated with a cloth insulation which is far too fat to go into the jacket portion of the tiny JST terminal crimp end. A simple solution it to solder some pre-crimped leads onto the ends of the thermistor wires. BigTreeTech includes a set of pre crimped leads in the kit. They are not marked and the BTT manual does not mention them, but presumable, these are leads that can be soldered to wires ends rather than crimping the JST terminals on. As far as I can tell, theses leads are 26AWG (and they are solid wires). I'm having trouble determining the size of the leads on the Revo thermistor (and E3D does not specify). But, I'm thinking they might be 24 AWG stranded. Here's my question -- does anyone know what ampacity I need for the Revo thermistor? Or maybe a better way to say it is, how much current is flowing through the thermistor wires at my over-temp threshold (300C). If I solder the leads provided by BTT in the kit onto the Revo Thermistor wires, Is 26AWG sufficient to carry the current?