Everyone please see issue 44 on the canboot github for a fix for the u2c not allowing CAN flashing to the EBB. BTT has an updated firmware that I tested and verified working.
For anyone who wants to reproduce this.
- Download the file from bigtreetech comment
wget https://github.com/Arksine/CanBoot/files/10410265/G0B1_U2C_V2.zip
- Stop klipper
sudo systemctl stop klipper
- Bring down the can interface
- Unzip the firmware file from bigtreetech
- Unplug the u2c controller from usb
- Press and hold the boot button on the u2c and plug the usb cable back in, then release the boot button.
- Verify that the u2c is in dfu mode
You should see lines that contain
- Flash the new firmware to the u2c
dfu-util -D G0B1_U2C_V2.bin -d 0483:df11 -a 0 -s 0x08000000:leave
- Unplug and replug in the usb cable for the u2c to reset it
- The CAN interface should now be back up, if not
- Follow the steps to compile and flash canboot to the EBB
- Follow the steps to compile and flash klipper over CAN
- Start klipper
sudo systemctl start klipper
* Edited to format the commands