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Cartographer initial Setup problem


New member
Hello everyone. I have a question. I have installed the Cartographer on my Voron 2.4. First i had a problem the sensorless homing issue for X/Y. I start the process as described with G28 X Y. Then I have to enter G90 and start with G0 X150 Y150. Next I start CARTOGRAPHER_CALIBRATE. It shows me z = 4 as coordinate and I move the nozzle closer to the bed. But I don't get close enough to the bed and I get the error that I am in minus or my z is too low in the coordinates.

After homing, the gantry is also approx. 140 mm away from the bed I wanted to start the calibration. The position is displayed with Z = 4.0. I can't get the nozzle closer to the bed. I suspect a config error. Does anyone have any experience with this? PS: I use sensorless homing with a config intended for this purpose. Maybe the error is already here.
Thank you very much. I now do have a z-offset = -3.930. Position of my toolhead now says x= 150 y = 150 z= 434,000 although it is right above the print plate. Endstop Z still triggered after going through calibration process and the SAVE_CONFIG Prompt.
Homing z fails into the error that the default model was not found.

Here is my Cartographer section:

speed: 40.
# Z probing dive speed.
lift_speed: 5.
# Z probing lift speed.
backlash_comp: 0.5
# Backlash compensation distance for removing Z backlash before measuring
# the sensor response.
x_offset: 0.
# X offset of cartographer from the nozzle.
y_offset: 21.1
# Y offset of cartographer from the nozzle.
trigger_distance: 2.
# cartographer trigger distance for homing.
trigger_dive_threshold: 1.5
# Threshold for range vs dive mode probing. Beyond `trigger_distance +
# trigger_dive_threshold` a dive will be used.
trigger_hysteresis: 0.006
# Hysteresis on trigger threshold for untriggering, as a percentage of the
# trigger threshold.
cal_nozzle_z: 0.1
# Expected nozzle offset after completing manual Z offset calibration.
cal_floor: 0.1
# Minimum z bound on sensor response measurement.
# Maximum z bound on sensor response measurement.
cal_speed: 1.0
# Speed while measuring response curve.
cal_move_speed: 10.
# Speed while moving to position for response curve measurement.
default_model_name: default
# Name of default cartographer model to load.
mesh_main_direction: x
# Primary travel direction during mesh measurement.
#mesh_overscan: -1
# Distance to use for direction changes at mesh line ends. Omit this setting
# and a default will be calculated from line spacing and available travel.
mesh_cluster_size: 1
# Radius of mesh grid point clusters.
mesh_runs: 2
# Number of passes to make during mesh scan.
Thanks i am now at the point, that i have my z offset but it does not home. It says "No cartographer model loaded" i was going through the calibration process.
Thats my save for the model
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [cartographer model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.3336391999483115,
#*# 1.7567923631632496,
#*# 0.7843147811734845,
#*# 0.3799115370913664,
#*# 0.29289995615025255,
#*# 0.36198267866095357,
#*# -0.07464664056008906,
#*# -0.286546338903618,
#*# 0.21343911345865244,
#*# 0.23848952543219912
#*# model_domain = 3.1962976964805593e-07,3.3593029719286864e-07
#*# model_range = 0.100000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 26.882242
#*# model_offset = 0.00000
That is my
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [cartographer model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.4773871550719835,
#*# 1.9229615600515344,
#*# 0.7378063330247517,
#*# 0.2683934175610624,
#*# 0.37750077410450356,
#*# 0.44296434914609734,
#*# -0.294676716337856,
#*# -0.3961969085228255,
#*# 0.253744434719833,
#*# 0.21540756731354857
#*# model_domain = 3.23928813244035e-07,3.310205622782817e-07
#*# model_range = 0.100000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 77.878262
#*# model_offset = 0.00000

canbus_uuid:2a9d31c78ea4 #cf76028bb5ff
speed: 40.
# Z probing dive speed.
lift_speed: 5.
# Z probing lift speed.
backlash_comp: 0.000140 #0.000433 #0.002008 #0.000557 # 0.000341 #0.000240 #0.000565 #0.001012 #0.000265 #0.000038 #0.000497 #0.000236 # 0.000565 #0.000199 # 0.00639 # 0.00564 #0.00295 #0.00598 #0.00836 #0.00415 #0.00639 #0.5
# Backlash compensation distance for removing Z backlash before measuring
# the sensor response.
x_offset: 0.
# X offset of cartographer from the nozzle.
y_offset: 21.1
# Y offset of cartographer from the nozzle.
trigger_distance: 2.
# cartographer trigger distance for homing.
trigger_dive_threshold: 1.5
# Threshold for range vs dive mode probing. Beyond `trigger_distance +
# trigger_dive_threshold` a dive will be used.
trigger_hysteresis: 0.006
# Hysteresis on trigger threshold for untriggering, as a percentage of the
# trigger threshold.
cal_nozzle_z: 0.1
# Expected nozzle offset after completing manual Z offset calibration.
cal_floor: 0.1
# Minimum z bound on sensor response measurement.
# Maximum z bound on sensor response measurement.
cal_speed: 1.0
# Speed while measuring response curve.
cal_move_speed: 10.
# Speed while moving to position for response curve measurement.
default_model_name: default
# Name of default cartographer model to load.
mesh_main_direction: x
# Primary travel direction during mesh measurement.
#mesh_overscan: -1
# Distance to use for direction changes at mesh line ends. Omit this setting
# and a default will be calculated from line spacing and available travel.
mesh_cluster_size: 1
# Radius of mesh grid point clusters.
mesh_runs: 4
# Number of passes to make during mesh scan.

#cs_pin: cartographer:PA3
#spi_bus: spi1

#accel_chip: lis2dw
# 150, 150, 20

home_xy_position: 150,150
# Example home_xy_position: 175,175 - This would be for a 350 * 350mm bed.
z_hop: 1
Thank you i resolved it. I had to delete This part #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.. Now it works
Hi! I am suddenly facing this issue where i can get the Z offset but model is still not loaded. It is also saved in the config file but in console I get this,
17:44:12 // No Cartographer models loaded

My model
#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# [cartographer model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.4333933465232682,
#*# 1.867898038156999,
#*# 0.7539317733520282,
#*# 0.3157181126009394,
#*# 0.39121232972239467,
#*# 0.48246387486120734,
#*# -0.2996730209452224,
#*# -0.4990674143059395,
#*# 0.2719744116618024,
#*# 0.2851819568531577
#*# model_domain = 3.239915665961218e-07,3.340290496135034e-07
#*# model_range = 0.100000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 31.008669
#*# model_offset = 0.00000