I bought a new SD Card, created my Raspian OS, and set up my Voron 2.4. After configuring, modifying, and tuning it for a while, I realized that I have better back up the RPi SD card and confirm that the backup was valid. But I ran into a problem: the SD card I used is 128G and I haven't found a backup and compression process that works for it. Previously, I didn't compress the backups: With an 8G or 16G card, they're small enough to keep a few on my hard drive. But now I'm not finding a method that works, whether compressed or not.
How do you back up your RPi OS SD card?
I'm on a Mac, so have used methods involving `dd` for copying and `gzip` for compression. To create a new SD Card, in the past I've used use the `Raspberry Pi Imager`. But now, while creating the backup with `dd` appears to work, creating the new copy always fails in `Raspberry Pi Imager` with an unilluminating "Write failed", even after trying several new SD cards.
How do you make a new SD card with a copy of the original SD card?
Using `dd` and `gzip` is pretty technical. I'm surprised that I didn't find a simpler application or script to do backups and copies easily. That's another reason I'm asking here...
I imagine backing up large SD cards will become more of an issue going forward. It seems like 8G or 16G SD cards are plenty for a Voron printer. But they're becoming harder to find as SD cards evolve to larger sizes.
How do you back up your RPi OS SD card?
I'm on a Mac, so have used methods involving `dd` for copying and `gzip` for compression. To create a new SD Card, in the past I've used use the `Raspberry Pi Imager`. But now, while creating the backup with `dd` appears to work, creating the new copy always fails in `Raspberry Pi Imager` with an unilluminating "Write failed", even after trying several new SD cards.
How do you make a new SD card with a copy of the original SD card?
Using `dd` and `gzip` is pretty technical. I'm surprised that I didn't find a simpler application or script to do backups and copies easily. That's another reason I'm asking here...
I imagine backing up large SD cards will become more of an issue going forward. It seems like 8G or 16G SD cards are plenty for a Voron printer. But they're becoming harder to find as SD cards evolve to larger sizes.