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I need a list of everything I can do to get good first layers


New member
Printer Model
2.4 350
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
I finished my 2.4 350 about half a year ago now, and I've never managed to get good and consistant first layers, even after doing things like reprinting all the parts for the gantry and z axis, squaring the entire printer frame better, lubing all the rails multiple times, installing a klicky, ect., the only times I could pull decent first layers would be after running QGLs and bedmeshes 3 times each.
And so I want a list of possibly everything I could do to get good first layers or at the very least not completely ruin a print sheet every so often
What sheet do you have (Smooth PEI? Textured?) and what material are you printing?

Is the problem that the mesh / z offset is uneven? Or just not sticking? Curling up?

* 99% of the time it's wrong z offset. It happens to me so often. And different matieral want different offset :/
* Clean build plate. I think some people are going overboard with cleaning it way to often, but just make sure you use dish soap and warm water, or IPA to clean it once in a while.
* You can try with a higher first layer, like 0.24 mm
I finished my 2.4 350 about half a year ago now, and I've never managed to get good and consistant first layers, even after doing things like reprinting all the parts for the gantry and z axis, squaring the entire printer frame better, lubing all the rails multiple times, installing a klicky, ect., the only times I could pull decent first layers would be after running QGLs and bedmeshes 3 times each.
And so I want a list of possibly everything I could do to get good first layers or at the very least not completely ruin a print sheet every so often
Since you didn't explain what exactly is wrong with your first layer, so as another 350 User I can only guess / suggest...

From MY personal experience:
  • Belt Tension:
    Ensure all Belts - including the closed first Stage ones driven by the Steppers - are at a proper tension.
    I think it goes without saying to also ensure for all of the Pulleys to have their Set Screws properly tightened/secured.

  • Loose Shroud:
    Consider checking if you can tighten the screws holding the Tool Head Shroud to the rest of the Tool Head Body...
    Probing is - as I see it - done without downward facing Pressure coming from the Extruder pushing Filament into the Hotend.
    The earliest layer manifesting a loose Shroud setting into a final resting position under Pressure is well... ✨The First Layer✨.

  • Print Start Order of operations:
    1. Initiate Build Plate and Nozzle Heat up.
    2. Do a G32 ( Combines G28 with QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL )
    3. Once the Build Plate and Nozzle are at temperature do a BED_MESH_CALIBRATE and a final Z-Homing ( G28 Z )
    4. Start Printing

  • First Layer Temperatures:
    Consider raising both the Print Bed and Nozzle First Layer Temperature by like 5-10°C to promote good Flow Characteristics.

  • Smarter Probing:
    Consider using KAMP to narrow down the probing to only the affected print area.