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help ! Squished layers from 5mm to 12mm


New member
After happily building and frequently using my Voron 2.4 R2 350 i have been vexed with this layer issue.

For example, when printing a 20x20x30 cube i get squished layers from 5mm to 12mm. This means that the layer height in this range is much smaller than sliced (.2mm) and the side bulge out. Strangely the print is fine above 12 mm.

Setup : Klipper/Mailsail. Slicing with Superslice with Ellis profiles.

Thing tried:
  1. Different hotends - 0.4 Dragon / DropEffect XG
  2. Diffent filaments - same with ABS, PC, PLA
  3. Different Tension on Filament Feed gears
  4. Different Tension on Z belts looser and tighter
  5. Replaced Z belts
  6. Inspected all idlers and belt for wear, debris
  7. Different print speeds
  8. Different layer heights.
  9. Upgraded superslicer / klipper / mailsail, etc
  10. Vase mode seams ok but may just not be as noticeable.

Things i am going to try next
  1. Loop belts for the z drive motors
  2. New idlers
  3. New Z motors
Spent way too much time trying to sort out. Anyone have any ideas. I am just startiing to replace more and more stuff on the z drive. I would rather fix the problem correctly and precisely.
Solved ! My heightmap was totally messed up. Printed the same cube with bed_mesh_clear and manually tweaked the height and it worked. Thanks so much ! Just need to figure how the map was so messed up. The variance was fine but the it was about 5MM floating above the base....
Perhaps you're using a configuration where the probe & z endstop are two different devices, but haven't set an appropriate zero_reference_position?
Perhaps you're using a configuration where the probe & z endstop are two different devices, but haven't set an appropriate zero_reference_position?
Thats likely it. I was modding a creatlity CR-KE hotend as a inexpensive but high value hotend. Thanks again - My son's windturbine is finished !