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optotap sensor issue


Probably another noob issue but I need help. I've had everything running fine without issue until one day (about 6 months ago) the hot end crashed into my bed breaking the TAP mount. Since then I've gotten the TAP mount reprinted and everything is as it was except my optical sensor seems to not work (no LED lights active, can't get it to trigger). I can trigger the optotap v2.4.1 led if I manually power the 24v and ground connections with a spliced cable from a usb adapter so I know it works (blue led turns on). I don't recall changing anything in my printer.cfg file and I've checked continuity from the printer mainboard to the stealthburner PCB for the 24v, probe signal (connected to PG15 on my bigtreetech octopus board), and ground wires to my optotap pcb. The ground and 24v are fine all the way up to the optotap board connections but the probe signal is only showing continuity up until the bat85 diode on the steathburner pcb. Is that normal? I've tried a different stealthburner pbc, two different optotap probes and the result is the same, no power or triggering of the probe sensor. I an manually trigger the red led on the optotap if I manually connect a probe wire from the the BTT octopus mainboard to the optotap signal connection on the optotap pcb (red led turns on but does not trigger endstop). I don't understand why my optotap sensor is not working which is likely the cause of my initial crash into the bed as it won't trigger, as if its not even there. Help please! Printer.cfg file attached for review.


Hi, if you changed both Optotap PCB as well as toolhead PCB, and no configuration is working - it may be Octopus board as well. Maybe try using different pin. For example you can try connecting signal wire to any endstop pin, and change configuration accordingly. If the optotap is not getting power, try feeding it directly +5V and V- from PSU and then connect to endstop pin, and see if that works. Use bat85 if needed.
PG15 is one of the endstops on the Octopus. That's where I have my probe signal hooked up. I wonder if the tool head PCB is getting continuity on the power traces, have you tested that?
Hi, if you changed both Optotap PCB as well as toolhead PCB, and no configuration is working - it may be Octopus board as well. Maybe try using different pin. For example you can try connecting signal wire to any endstop pin, and change configuration accordingly. If the optotap is not getting power, try feeding it directly +5V and V- from PSU and then connect to endstop pin, and see if that works. Use bat85 if needed.
I circumvented the toolhead PCB by wiring the 24v, ground and signal wires directly to the optotap pcb and I get power the optotap sensor PCB to power on and I can correctly get the red and blue lights when there is something blocking the optotap sensor beam however in mainsail I could not get the proper response, and yes I refeshed the endstops in mainsail. It was either always open or triggered depending on whether or not I had the "!" in front of the PG15 in my printer.cfg file.

PG15 is one of the endstops on the Octopus. That's where I have my probe signal hooked up. I wonder if the tool head PCB is getting continuity on the power traces, have you tested that?
I tried PG13 and PG12 and there was no change so I don't think the issue is the octopus mainboard.

Any other ideas??
Is signal and ground wired correctly? I'll assume 24V is ok since it's trying to work and no smoke was released.
While waiting for beacon sensor Maybe I will put a microswitch on the tap mechanism.
I will be careful to feed it with 5V.
I did receive my kit with only tap option.
inductive probe are good, it's just me that want something fancy.
hey y'all, curious if anyone has figured out the proper wiring to use the bltouch port on the EBB SB2240 toolhead board. I converted the OptoTap v2.4.1 into 5V according to the directions. and then connect up the 5v to the second pin in on the right and then the ground second from the left and signal far left, I get a red or blue light depending on which way I swap the gnd and signal wires but no trigger led change when trying to disrupt the sensor. IDK what to do.