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OverHang Print Issue


Printer Model
Voron 2.4 , 350x350
Extruder Type
Cooling Type
Hello All Having issues with over hang on my voron 2.4 350x350 with a dragon HF extruder and my hotend and extruder fan are both at 100%. Not sure how to address this ?


  • OverHang-min-min.jpg
    925.8 KB · Views: 11
This does not look OK ... what material is this? Aren't you printing external perimeters first? Can you print 2 of these towers at the same time, in 2 opposite corners of the bed?
Hello All Having issues with over hang on my voron 2.4 350x350 with a dragon HF extruder and my hotend and extruder fan are both at 100%. Not sure how to address this ?
Tks for your comments. Upon further investigation I found that my part cooling fan wires were pinched and it stopped when printing. I fix that and my printing quality is back to normal. Thank you all