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Rear of Gantry falls after print


Well-known member
I have a 2.5 350. Problem is that after a print is done and the motors turn off the rear of the gantry drops enough that QGL will fail on the next print.

When that happens I need to manually lift the rear of the gantry to level it out.

What would prevent this?

Higher pre-load rear rails?

Is there a way that I can manually control just the rear Z motors to raise the rear?
NVM, found the fix. Moved the Z "position_min" from -5 to -10.

step_pin: PD7
dir_pin: !PD6
enable_pin: !PF10
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 16
#endstop_pin: ^PF5
endstop_pin: probe: z_virtual_endstop
position_max: 340

position_min: -10
homing_speed: 20
second_homing_speed: 3
homing_retract_dist: 3