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sensorless x and y homing


Well-known member
So I decided to go sensorless on my V2.4 with TMC 2209 in a BTT octopus V1.1
I followed this guide https://docs.vorondesign.com/tuning/sensorless.html
the problem I am having is the following:
In the terminal of mainsail I can give the commands to home individually x or y(g28 x or g28 y) and they work. I did this in order to find the stallguard values and set them accordingly in the printer.cfg.
But when I do a "home all" from the toolhead section on my mainsail dashboard, it moves first the x and does not home, sets the icon to blue as if it is homed and proceeds with the y, does the same thing but fails to home and pretends it is homed. Then it moves to the position where it now thinks is my endstop pin next to my bed, in order to do the z homing. Obviously it is now above the bed and I have now learned that the quickest way is to do an emetgency stop instead of a shut down, to my chagrin one nozzle is now in the bin!

I think, but not sure, that my homing procedure is still looking at some clicky macro or something. But I cannot figure out where it would find the instructions for this. I have included a homing.cfg but I already had the homing override from the clicky from before.

Please help, been setting this up all day now and I do not want to go back to the wired and switched homing.
I am hoping @NoGuru can help, I know you have sensorless too.
But anybody with anything constructive to share, please do so. I am banging my head against the concrete klipper wall at the moment.
Included is my klippy log, if anybody needs something else, please ask.


Just looking it over real quick, what happens if you home Y before X?
Just looking it over real quick, what happens if you home Y before X?
you mean manually? It works. But I need to try to see if I turn them around in the macro if it works. Good call, if it does not change anything and it still tries to do x before y, then I know for sure it is still using the old homing sequence.
Which I do not know from where it finds it, but I will with some help ;)
Well, kind of a result but with big question marks.
First of all I turned the order of x and y around in mu homing cfg, and it made no difference. So I now know it was totally not even looking at my homing.cfg and did some other routine from some other place.
I looked everywhere and I found another homing override in the klicky macros!!!!!!! Why would there be a homing related anything in the klicky macros if the klicky probe is not even used for anything to do with homing? I do admit, when I rebuild my system I started with a fresh RPI, fresh OS and a fresh cfg from klipper, BUT because this machine has that goddamn klicky, which seemed to work ok I thought, I foolishly copied that section, including all its other component over from before and used them as they were.

Ok, but after the removal of this homing override in the klicky macros, it did seem to use my homing cfg, because it did the x and the y the other way around now, and it worked.
I then turned them back in my homing cfg, but it keeps doing them Y first and then X. Strange!

On top of that, my final attempt to home and QGL it failed again. It triggered the sensorless homing point to early and wanted to crash into the bed again. Fortunately I am now expecting this to happen so I E-stopped it in time.
I cannot continue tonight as I have shitloads of other things that must be done. But if you have any bright ideas I will try them tomorrow.

I now started to think I will need to actually completely redo my whole system, not copying anything from that guy that built it in the first place. Too many dodgy things everywhere.
So, just to clear up, you use the beacon and you have not got this shitty klicky probe thing?
But you still have the end stip switch next to your bed?????

I want to know so that if I decide to get this cartographer 3d thing, I want to strip my machine down even further, and totally get rid of this dockable klicky and start over with a whole new file system as well.
I have used all the Klicky style probes and had issues with all of them, now I just use Beacon for Z endstop since it uses Contact. So no endstops in my system.

For sensorless maybe you need to lower your voltage. So I see you use a lower voltage already when homing you have it set to .49%.
This can go up or down based on if you are triggering. For example if you keep triggering the endstop early, bump that up to say .59% and do some Home All practices.
I am using TMC 5160's and I use .59% in my homing config but it will vary machine to machine.

Here you can look over my configs as an example. https://github.com/NoGuru2/VoronV2.4/blob/main/printer_data/config/homing.cfg
I have used all the Klicky style probes and had issues with all of them, now I just use Beacon for Z endstop since it uses Contact. So no endstops in my system.

For sensorless maybe you need to lower your voltage. So I see you use a lower voltage already when homing you have it set to .49%.
This can go up or down based on if you are triggering. For example if you keep triggering the endstop early, bump that up to say .59% and do some Home All practices.
I am using TMC 5160's and I use .59% in my homing config but it will vary machine to machine.

Here you can look over my configs as an example. https://github.com/NoGuru2/VoronV2.4/blob/main/printer_data/config/homing.cfg
So what could be the difference between doing it individually from the dashboard or the home all? Manually one by one they work but not if it is was done in a do all command? I will raise the % voltage and see but I still do not understand the difference.
So what could be the difference between doing it individually from the dashboard or the home all? Manually one by one they work but not if it is was done in a do all command? I will raise the % voltage and see but I still do not understand the difference.
Ok so now with V% on 0.59 it works when the head is close to the end point for homing. When I do the home all and the distance is larger it starts to move and some short distance before actually reaching the end point it stops and proceeds with the other axis. At that point I emergency stop it because I do not want to hit the bed again. I will up the X axis a bit more and see what the Y does on a larger distance
Now the home_current is at 0.59% for both and I lowerd the SGTHRS down to 150 on both. Now the manual homing ALL from the dashboard works everywhere with all different positions. Will try a print to see if it behaves as expected.
Now the home_current is at 0.59% for both and I lowerd the SGTHRS down to 150 on both. Now the manual homing ALL from the dashboard works everywhere with all different positions. Will try a print to see if it behaves as expected.
But those % symbols is actually Amps. If what it reports back in the terminal is correct!
So I think I have managed it with your help @NoGuru , I am now printing my third thing while holding my finger over the Estop button, and it has performed all its stuff correctly. Also now found where it got the order for X and Y from in the homing config, so that is also correct now.
I have ordered a cartographer eddie current sensor so that is the next step. Also ordered the chaoticlab alu cnc machine partst, so that is probably getting done together with the eddie current sensor. After that I will have a switch and nearly wirefree machine :cool:
Sorry for the late reply but I don't usually check on here on the weekends.
Nice, you found that you have to find the balance of run current and sensitivity. It's a pain the but sometimes but once it works you should be good.
Sorry for the late reply but I don't usually check on here on the weekends.
Nice, you found that you have to find the balance of run current and sensitivity. It's a pain the but sometimes but once it works you should be good.
Don't worry about the late reply, you are always on the front page when it comes to helpfull tips hints and info.
P.S. do you know how long is the wait for wireless motors?
Don't worry about the late reply, you are always on the front page when it comes to helpfull tips hints and info.
P.S. do you know how long is the wait for wireless motors?
Depends on when quantum computing comes to the masses would be my best guess :ROFLMAO: