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The printer just stops responding in the middle of printing. With the heat on


Printer Model
Voron 2.4 AUG
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
Recently, I built my Voron 2.4. Initially, everything was running smoothly. Then, I decided to switch to sensorless homing. I thought I set everything up correctly, and it seemed to work, but that's when the problems started. First, the printer stopped booting. Considering we have frequent power outages here in Ukraine, I suspected the memory card might be the issue. Even though testing the card on my computer didn't show any problems, I went ahead and installed the system on a new memory card.

To be safe, I downloaded a new system image directly from Bigtreetech (the Siboor kit includes a BTT Pi with their image). I transferred everything and even improved the configuration a bit. It worked for a while, but then the printer began freezing mid-print, creating a large melted crater. Despite this, there were no signs indicating a problem. Everything seemed fine on the web interface, but the printer didn't respond to any commands. The OctoPrint service and the Telegram bot also didn't report any issues. Even the printer's screen indicated that everything was okay, yet it still wouldn't respond, with the head just sitting there and melting the crater.

Honestly, I'm at a loss. I don't know if the problem is related to the driver reacting to the sensorless homing settings, another faulty memory card, or if I messed up the setup somehow. Any help to figure this out would be greatly appreciated.


I highly doubt using sensorless has anything to do with what happened.
You are using a BTT PI? That could be the issue. I see you are using a CAN device as well. Are you sure that setup is good?
This is my first Voron, I'm not sure about anything, but it worked for a while, I've printed a small number of items, it's very hard for me to understand what exactly is not working here. Also, the Tmc 2240 works via SPI and the sensitivity there is set very roughly due to the range of available values. In fact, there sensitivity 0 does not work, 1 works, 2 is already beating very hard to the edge. I left 1. Maybe it triggers during printing? About BTTPi I ordered a new one with built-in memory. let's see if it helps. Also this Cartographer sensor seems to be some chinese crap that shows the temperature in negative values, maybe it also fails when heated. But I can't figure out how to find the cause.
I think you have too many things going on and need to evaluate one thing at a time.

For sensorless homing yes, you have to get the value right on. If it homes sometimes but does not get to the rail before triggering, increase homing speed a little until it works all the time.
It seems that the problem was with the BTT PI, I replaced it with a new version with memory on the board, and everything works as it should.
No, the problem's still there. Tonight the printing just stopped in the middle of the process. I don't know where to look. 99% of the time everything works but sometimes this happens. I can't find a pattern yet.
Can you post your Printer.cfg file?
You may need to name it printer.txt
Your running CAN bus. Are the speeds to all devices the same? Or what speed is being used? I am not sure about the BTT but if you are running 1M you might need to drop it to 500000. Also make sure you CAN bus cable at the toolhead is super secure and the connection to the board is not wiggling.
Everything is flashed to 1,000,000 according to the guide... OK, I'll try flashing to 500 000. Thank you.
Is it possible to change only the EBB and leave the MCU as it is, or is it necessary to have all devices running at the same speed?
Searching on forums I found an interesting idea that the problem may be in the 64 bit operating system and compatibility with the Mainsail. By default bigtreatech uses 64bit in its images.... I'll probably try to install 32 bit first, and then I'll worry about the CAN board.... Somehow it seems to me that this may be the very thing that distinguishes me from all those who have everything working fine on the Rassbery.
Searching on forums I found an interesting idea that the problem may be in the 64 bit operating system and compatibility with the Mainsail. By default bigtreatech uses 64bit in its images.... I'll probably try to install 32 bit first, and then I'll worry about the CAN board.... Somehow it seems to me that this may be the very thing that distinguishes me from all those who have everything working fine on the Rassbery.
Yeah, I would try 32 bit first and if that fails, then change CAN to 500000 but yes, on all devices for communication.
A small report about the long way to eliminate this problem, maybe it will be useful for someone.
Here is everything I tried and it does not work:
  • 32 bit linux,
  • 512000 kb CANBUS speed,
  • glued jacks on all connections
  • Buying super expensive shielded cables for HIFI sound
All this is a bunch of bullshit.

Something of this, seems to help, but I can't tell what, because I did it at the same time:
  • I lowered the voltage on the extruder motor.
run_current: 0.550
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
  • Improved the cooling on the BTTPI, and wrapped all the wires with Ferrite Bead Clamp, like a Christmas tree now.
Some of it worked. The error has stopped appearing. I have been printing for almost a week now, everything is fine.
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