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Torque for the screw tightening


Does anybody know what sort of torque to apply on the screws when tightening (Nm)?
Is there any recommendation for the inserts and the other assembly parts?
I am looking for buying something like that:

There really isn't a spec for torque on the screws. It's all pretty much just to snug--and that's lighter than you would think so go easy. As we say on a couple of the YouTube streams: "only a couple of ugga duggas" and "righty-tighty, and if righty-tighty becomes righty-loosey you've gone too far."
Like claudermilk said, just snug should be good. As far as inserts go, just go until they sit flush. If they go in to fast lower the temp on the Iron.
I set mine to 255 for inserts.
Tight enough is to subjective, I have big hands and I have a tendency to tighten things a little too much.

I've looked up the torque specs for various size screws and bolts but I don't know if that applies screwing into threaded inserts.
Those torques from tables are in particular types of material as well (as they also mention but then forget to state which specific one is for the table), not just related to the class of the bolt. So torque in steel is as per most tables, torque in aluminium is appreciably lower and in plastic it is lower still. The torque for an insert is therefore not the torque for that class of bolt in steel but for plastic, since the lowest strength will yield first, which in the case of the insert is the plastic. If I find specific tables for different materials I will try to post them, but I am going on holiday kind of as of tomorrow......so don't hold your breath!
Ok so I found one but it is imperial so you can use it but you have to convert both size and the torque before you can use it for your metric stuff.

Instantly obvious is the huge differences between stainless and nylon. It is very important to appreciate, and to adapt your approach to reflect this.