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Trident Lead Screws


Active member
I've seen from several sources that the Voron Trident builds have a max Z-height of 250 "due to the lead screws". Some questions about that:

Is this a part availability issue? It's been more than 3 years. Has the situation improved? Is it a quality/stability issue? I'm guessing not since lead-screw designs like the Prusa XL are going longer. But thought I'd ask. (Can we just use Prusa motor+lead screw combos?)

In short, I have some tall things I need to print and was thinking of building a Trident. I much prefer the lead-screw design vs. the floating gantry of a 2.4. Are there paths to an X-y-z of maybe 300x300x350? Or maybe even taller?

Thanks in advance for any info or thoughts.
Not really no. Ldo makes a 300 cubed kit, but if you want taller a 2.4 is ideal. Just by getting longer rails, extrusions and belts it's dead simple to add to z.
The problem with leadscrews, especially the Chinese ones, is that the longer they are, the more prone to be banana-shaped they get. Bent leadscrews can give you a hard, sad time because they do impact in your print quality.

If you really want a bigger Trident on the Z you can always ask vendors to provide a linear motor with a longer leadscrew, or you can get regular stepper motors and use couplers to attach them, just keep in mind to spend time doing alignment.