This is a mod I am working on to relocate two UHP-350 psu's to the back side of Voron 2.4 350 that I am currently building. This mod is to solve a couple of issues. It will open space under the printer to ease and prevent congestion in the electronics bay. It moves all AC components to the back of the printer to segregate high and low voltages. It also provides a metal surface to direct mount the UHP's to aid in cooling. I provided a drawing to u/_CottonEyeHoe_ on reddit, who was gracious enough to make a cad file that I used to order from sendcutsend. All he asked is that I would share with others and I definitely will honor that. I am still waiting on parts to arrive, but I will keep this thred update with my progress. I will update all files used here in this thread and it will be free to use and mod as you see fit. Just please give credit to u/_CottonEyeHoe_ on reddit.
Pictures attached below. Here is the links to .step files- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2591...ey=3ydpd8y7065ezjl2znkyto288&st=6rlqisot&dl=0

This is a mod I am working on to relocate two UHP-350 psu's to the back side of Voron 2.4 350 that I am currently building. This mod is to solve a couple of issues. It will open space under the printer to ease and prevent congestion in the electronics bay. It moves all AC components to the back of the printer to segregate high and low voltages. It also provides a metal surface to direct mount the UHP's to aid in cooling. I provided a drawing to u/_CottonEyeHoe_ on reddit, who was gracious enough to make a cad file that I used to order from sendcutsend. All he asked is that I would share with others and I definitely will honor that. I am still waiting on parts to arrive, but I will keep this thred update with my progress. I will update all files used here in this thread and it will be free to use and mod as you see fit. Just please give credit to u/_CottonEyeHoe_ on reddit.
Pictures attached below. Here is the links to .step files- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2591...ey=3ydpd8y7065ezjl2znkyto288&st=6rlqisot&dl=0
