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Voron V.02 Noise


Printer Model
Voron V.02
Hi gents.

Just built my .02 kit from Siboor but have a problem with strange knocking noise when print head is changing direction. Printing quality is good with no any issues, however this noise I don't really like. Could you please advise what could be wrong here?

I built the LDO kit, not Siboor, so I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to help since I haven't encountered the noise. However, I'm willing to at least try. Could you post your entire printer.cfg file?
Hi Gecko.

Understood, thanks anyway.

Sure, here is printer.cfg attached:
[include fly_macros.cfg]

# Motherboard model
# Please modify it based on your motherboard model
# 请根据您的主板型号修改
#[include boards/FLY_GEMINI_V1.cfg]
#[include boards/FLY_GEMINI_V1.1.cfg]
[include boards/FLY_GEMINI_V3.cfg]
[include V0Display.cfg]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f405xx_JKYZ-if00

[mcu host]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu

path: ~/gcode_files

kinematics: corexy
max_velocity: 300
max_accel: 3000
max_z_velocity: 5
max_z_accel: 100

# Temp
[temperature_sensor FLY-Gemini]
sensor_type: temperature_host

[temperature_fan mcu_fan]   #Electrical bin cooling fan
pin: FAN1                   
kick_start_time: 0.500
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
control: watermark
target_temp: 45.0
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 90
max_speed: 1.0
min_speed: 0.8

# Drives
## Refer to https://docs.vorondesign.com/build/startup/#v0
step_pin: X_STEP
dir_pin: !X_DIR
enable_pin: !X_EN
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 32
full_steps_per_rotation: 200                                        # Set to 400 for 0.9° degree stepper motor, 200 is for 1.8° stepper motors
endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_x:virtual_endstop
position_endstop: 120
position_max: 120
homing_speed: 10                                                    # Can be increased after initial setup, Max 100
homing_retract_dist: 0
homing_positive_dir: true
step_pulse_duration: 0.000004

## Refer to https://docs.vorondesign.com/build/startup/#v0
step_pin: Y_STEP
dir_pin: !Y_DIR                                                       # Check motor direction in link above. If inverted, add a ! before PC4
enable_pin: !Y_EN
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 32
full_steps_per_rotation: 200                                        # Set to 400 for 0.9° degree stepper motor, 200 is for 1.8° stepper motors
endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_y:virtual_endstop
position_endstop: 120
position_max: 120
homing_speed: 10                                                    # Can be increased after initial setup, Max 100
homing_retract_dist: 0
homing_positive_dir: true

## Refer to https://docs.vorondesign.com/build/startup/#v0
step_pin: PC15
dir_pin: !PC5                                                       # Check motor direction in link above. If inverted, remove a ! before PC4
enable_pin: !PC12
rotation_distance: 8                                                # For T8x8 integrated lead screw
microsteps: 32
endstop_pin: Z_STOP
position_endstop: 117.5
position_max: 117.5
position_min: -1.5
homing_speed: 120
second_homing_speed: 3.0
homing_retract_dist: 3.0

step_pin: E_STEP
dir_pin: !E_DIR
enable_pin: !E_EN
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 23
gear_ratio: 50:10   
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: HEAT
sensor_pin: HEAT_TEMP
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
control: pid
pid_Kp: 22.2
pid_Ki: 1.08
pid_Kd: 114
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 350
min_extrude_temp: 10
step_pulse_duration: 0.000004

heater_pin: BED_OUT
sensor_pin: BED_TEMP
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
control: watermark
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 110
max_power: 1.0

# FANs
pin: FAN0
#cycle_time: 0.50

# TMC2208 configuration./2209/2225

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: X_CS
interpolate: False
run_current: 1.1
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 200                          # Set to 999999 to turn stealthchop on, and 0 to use spreadcycle
diag_pin: PA4                                          # YOU NEED TO JUMP THIS DIAG PIN ON YOUR BOARD FOR SENSORLESS HOMING TO WORK
driver_SGTHRS: 25                                    # 255 is most sensitive value, 0 is least sensitive

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: Y_CS
interpolate: False
run_current: 1.1
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 200                          # Set to 999999 to turn stealthchop on, and 0 to use spreadcycle
diag_pin: PA5                                         # YOU NEED TO JUMP THIS DIAG PIN ON YOUR BOARD FOR SENSORLESS HOMING TO WORK
driver_SGTHRS: 25                                    # 255 is most sensitive value, 0 is least sensitive

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: Z_CS
run_current: 0.5500
interpolate: False

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: E_CS
run_current: 0.5500
interpolate: False

[gcode_macro SENSORLESS_HOME_X]
    {% set HOME_CUR = 0.700 %}
    {% set driver_config = printer.configfile.settings['tmc2209 stepper_x'] %}
    {% set RUN_CUR = driver_config.run_current %}
    # Set current for sensorless homing
    # Pause to ensure driver stall flag is clear
    G4 P2000
    # Home
    G28 X0
    # Move away
    G1 X5 F1200
    # Set current during print


[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
#   Use PRINT_START for the slicer starting script - please customize for your slicer of choice
description: 开始打印
    G1 Z20 F3000
    G92 E0
    G1 X110 Y0.5 F2000
    G1 Z0.28 F400
    G1 X30 Y0.5 E18 F1000
    G1 Z0.5 F200
    G92 E0


[gcode_macro PRINT_END]
#   Use PRINT_END for the slicer ending script - please customize for your slicer of choice
    M400                           ; wait for buffer to clear
    G92 E0                         ; zero the extruder
    G1 E-4.0 F3600                 ; retract filament
    G91                            ; relative positioning

    #   Get Boundaries
    {% set max_x = printer.configfile.config["stepper_x"]["position_max"]|float %}
    {% set max_y = printer.configfile.config["stepper_y"]["position_max"]|float %}
    {% set max_z = printer.configfile.config["stepper_z"]["position_max"]|float %}

    #   Check end position to determine safe direction to move
    {% if printer.toolhead.position.x < (max_x - 20) %}
        {% set x_safe = 20.0 %}
    {% else %}
        {% set x_safe = -20.0 %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if printer.toolhead.position.y < (max_y - 20) %}
        {% set y_safe = 20.0 %}
    {% else %}
        {% set y_safe = -20.0 %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if printer.toolhead.position.z < (max_z - 2) %}
        {% set z_safe = 2.0 %}
    {% else %}
        {% set z_safe = max_z - printer.toolhead.position.z %}
    {% endif %}

    G0 Z{z_safe} F3600             ; move nozzle up
    G0 X{x_safe} Y{y_safe} F20000  ; move nozzle to remove stringing
    M107                           ; turn off fan
    G90                            ; absolute positioning
    G0 X60 Y{max_y} F3600          ; park nozzle at rear

home_xy_position: 60,115
speed: 120
That sounds like you have interpolate off on your stepper settings in your printer.cfg. But by the sounds of it, it is off for some of the drives and on for others. I turned it off on my steppers and I hear the same noise, I don't think it hurts anything just noise but more accurate.
That sounds like you have interpolate off on your stepper settings in your printer.cfg. But by the sounds of it, it is off for some of the drives and on for others. I turned it off on my steppers and I hear the same noise, I don't think it hurts anything just noise but more accurate.
FWIW interpolate is OFF in my config file, and I don't hear any such noise. 🤷‍♂️ I have StealthChop disabled, too, of course.
Hi guys.

Enabled interpolation in printer.cfg and still same issue...

Well, Ingold, that sounds hurts my brain. :)))
Enabled interpolation in printer.cfg and still same issue...

Well, Ingold, that sounds hurts my brain. :)))
I replayed the video, and it hurts my brain too. I did notice your stealthchop is at 200. Did you set that to 0? I turned stealthchop on once, and the noise made my ears bleed.
I replayed the video, and it hurts my brain too. I did notice your stealthchop is at 200. Did you set that to 0? I turned stealthchop on once, and the noise made my ears bleed.
Stealthchop should actually make the motors MUCH quieter. If you turned the option "ON" and it made more noise, then that's really weird.


The first thing that pops out at me is that your run_current is super high on the x and y stepper motors at 1.1A. You're really getting a lot of torque at that current and I wonder if that's not causing the noise. I use 0.5A for the run_current in my x and y steppers, and 0.37A in my z stepper (these were defaults from the LDO configuration file).
Hi guys.

Thanks, but nothing helps. The only way to get rid of that knocking is to limit printer velocity to 100mm/s.
A kind of a random idea (in reality not random, because it happened to silly me): did you tighten down the motors in the motor holders?
Stealthchop should actually make the motors MUCH quieter. If you turned the option "ON" and it made more noise, then that's really weird.
Let's not get me started about my 2-year-old 2.4 formbot kit build; it has a full rebuild in its future where everything that is "generic" gets replaced; I can't even find the Spec Sheet on the motors. So many things that are just F(&*(&*ed about it
I just has the exactly same problem, and its really sounds like a knocking sound...but wasn't...it was extruder clicking sound.
I figure out and solved the problem just increasing a little bit the extruder backlash (gear mesh) and increasing the extuder current to 0.7amps.

Hope it helps.

Not sure if you fixed this problem already, since it is an old topic, but I noticed that you have defined "step_pulse_duration: 0.000004" for just one stepper. This is wrong. You have to define this value for all or for none. Hope this also helps you out. Good luck.
Hey djeZo888.

Nope, not fixed yet. I like this printer, it prints good but this bloody sound is still there.

Thank you, I will check your idea and will report back once will be back at home.
Was watching a video today and the guy had stealthchop turned on. He said there were some loud clunking noises so he turned it off (to the "louder" mode) and the noises went away.