VORON Design

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Recent content by tillin9

  1. T

    Monolith gantry toolhead carriage

    Stealth Changer supports 9mm. They have printable carriages an a new CNC by Fysetc. They are compatible with most hotends. Even if you don't use it for a tool changer, the carriage and backplate system makes a great TAP (lighter than stock) and makes working on your tooleads easy - I have them...
  2. T

    XOL Versus (stock) CW2/ SB

    Very impressive - I take it the older IS graphs are SB/ before and the 10-month-old (newer) ones are XOL? If so, the peaks increased in frequency and became sharper (and even Y recommended ZV). I realized that to go ultra-low weight I would want a mini-sherpa instead of an orbiter. I...
  3. T

    LDO Leviathan Control Board Information

    It pretty much is an alternative to Manta for a unified Voron/ 3D-printer electronics solution. It's based on a full-sized Pi instead of a compute module. Pros - built-in beefier 5160s, better input protection (larger fuses, more protection), lower cost (since it includes drivers). Cons - only...
  4. T

    XOL Versus (stock) CW2/ SB

    Anyone have familiarity with https://github.com/Armchair-Engineering/Xol-Toolhead? It claims to be substantially higher than the stock XW2/ SB at ~250g. I have a pretty light setup - using a Voron Revo and aluminum and titanium screws with an SB2040 that clocks in at 397g (I think 430g is what...
  5. T

    Anyone assembled a Voron 2.4 with CNC Alumn parts - 0 XY Joint issue?

    Honestly, it depends on your specific XY joints. I suspect most do use different hardware as the 40mm M5 steel bolts are heavy and most aluminum XY joints aim to use less steel to lower weight. I used the Common Anomaly Productions ones which need different bolts and a single spacer for the...
  6. T

    Question Most critical plastic part for quality prints?

    I can recommend the square nut mod for the X carriage to address this problem. I kept having the headsets pull out (even from normal ABS), granted I was testing different extruders and extruder gears so cycled them a little more than would be "normal." Reprinting these in CF-ABS, I haven't had a...
  7. T

    No fan output from Octopus 1.1

    Where is the failure? In the toolhead board or the Octopus? If in the toolhead board - maybe just run a couple extra wires? Or try to re-use another pin? Are you 100% sure all your Octopus fan pins are shorted? (It has 8) As well as the 4 hotend pins. My knee jerk would be to just move to...
  8. T

    Carbon Fiber ABS

    Thanks. By and large, I agree that adding CF will enhance axial strength to the possible detriment of layer adhesion. That seems to be the main item in the video as to how CF-filled filament is weaker than the standard variety, although the video really only mentions it in the PLA-CF section. I...
  9. T

    Carbon Fiber ABS

    I know there is a wide variety of materials - care to explain where this generalization comes from? I only question since it goes against my (admitted limited) experience which is the couple of CF-ABS I've used have equal or better strength with better stiffness. The expensive MatterHackers...
  10. T

    Voron R2 350 Input Shaper Result

    Those graphs are very, very good - better than mine. I was able to get flawless parts with no ringing at slower speeds (~3-4000mm/s) I bet you probably could do better, maybe ~5-6000mm/s. Are you doing anything that might explain why you have ~10 Hz higher than what I got on my 350mm? As far...
  11. T

    Question Most critical plastic part for quality prints?

    Assuming your parts are dimensionally accurate (and you are getting good prints) - you probably do not need to reprint anything. If you have a higher strength / stiffer material - I would advise reprinting the extruder latch parts, the front of the extruder (assuming CW2), and the X carriage -...
  12. T

    Voron R2 350 Input Shaper Result

    That graph from my 350mm v2-13458 is off an SB2040, Revo Voron Stealthburner, stock Y axis (standard extrusion). Everything besides my electronics is stock - I'm still running drag chains too, just putting the CANbus and endstop pod wires through the chains. All standard ABS (Hatchbox) parts.
  13. T

    Voron R2 350 Input Shaper Result

    Interested in what you did between the first and 2nd set of graphs? Basically, I'm trying to netter understand what is being indicated by a double peak in y . I genuinely wish there were better resources in learning how to interpret these. In the 2nd graph, the jaggedness of the y peak looks...
  14. T

    Really just curious more than anything, what nozzle sizes to folks like to use on their 2.4's?

    I pretty much run 0.4 on everything - v2-1428 (350mm) and my new v2 (250mm) . I have 0.6 and 0.25 Revos and barely use them. I also have Dragons I could swap in and use v6 nozzles. I use 0.6 if I'm printing something big that needs to be strong, like a container for organizing parts. I use 0.25...
  15. T

    Is a Lightweight X axis worth it for a 300mm V2.4

    While I don't have a V2 300 - I have a 250 and 350. My experiences are here. TLDR - I didn't see much improvement, maybe a little/ placebo improvement in print quality. I did not see any real downside though for the skeletonized extrusion for my V2s. They didn't change my input shaping - my 350...